A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Biden brings calm diplomacy to troubled Europe

In Brussels on Thursday, before what was surely a rattled European Parliament, U.S. Vice-President Biden performed the same role for Barack Obama as he has at events here from fundraisers to funerals, that of a sort of Irishman-in-Chief.

Tags: united states, public opinion, european union

Essay: A mother lands in the US

It was just like the Peace Corps in reverse," she said. The Peace Corps sent Americans abroad to learn about other cultures, but my mother was sent to the U.S. as Sri Lanka's first cultural ambassador in 1971. "We were supposed to learn all about American culture.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, sri lanka

How English erased its roots to become the global tongue of the 21st century

Globalisation is a word that first slipped into its current usage during the 1960s; and the globalisation of English, and English literature, law, money and values, is the cultural revolution of my generation.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion

Russia, Poland and Rapprochement

The emotional rapprochement between Poland and Russia after the death of President Lech Kaczyński and 95 members of the Polish elite is clearly still strong. On the other hand, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has said that an 'emotional breakthrough' does not necessarily mean a 'political breakthrough'...

Tags: russia, poland

32 South Asian artists showcase power of art in Delhi

Thirty-two artists from eight SAARC countries and Myanmar showcased the soft power of art at a day-long exhibition titled "Puducherry Blues" here Saturday. The artists had met in a camp at the Dune Eco beach resort in Puducherry for a South Asian artists' camp in early March.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, south asian association for regional cooperation

Arizona’s New Immigration Law: How State Politics Can Inhibit Our Public Diplomacy

It is no secret that bad domestic policies can lead to bad public diplomacy, and given the national and international nature of this law, U.S. public diplomacy is in a prime position to suffer as a result of Arizona’s actions. The federal government must take swift action to address the discriminatory elements at the core of this law, lest we further strain our relationship with our southern neighbors.


VE Day at the UN: Tchaikovsky and a Bit of Politics

From the Sugar Plum Fairy to Musetta's Waltz, the former Soviet republics showed off some brilliant young talent performing Romantic Era greats: Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Puccini.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, russia, united nations

Syria ready to resume peace talks with Israel -Turkey

Syria is ready to reopen peace talks with Israel, with Turkey serving as a mediator, but Israel has not asked Ankara to resume that role, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said on Saturday.

Tags: israel, turkey, syria


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