A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama’s Sunday Golf Game May Cost Him Polish American Vote

President Obama may very well kiss the Polish American vote good bye after committing yet another public diplomacy blunder which gave Vice President Biden, U.S. Ambassador to Poland Lee A. Feinstein and some Congressional Democrats plenty of reasons to be pulling their hair out in utter frustration over his insensitive behavior toward an important U.S. ally.


Obama Needs a Reset Button on His Own Foreign-Policy Machine

For the past 18 months, foreign policy has been a distinctly secondary concern for U.S. President Barack Obama, in spite of still-hot wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, nuclear diplomacy with Russia, and simmering crises in Iran and North Korea

Tags: united states

The Revolution Will Not Be Patented

For the last 20 years, politicians, diplomats, and green activists alike have assumed that dealing with global warming would require a United Nations agreement on the transfer of clean energy technologies from rich countries to poor ones

Tags: united states, climate change

Brazilian president defends foreign policy despite ‘jealousy’

Lula said Brazil had been severely criticized for focusing on strengthening its ties with South American, Asian and African countries. But he believes boosting South-South trade is important.

Tags: brazil

UN diplomats say China has proposed changes to US-drafted resolution for new Iran sanctions

China has proposed changes to a U.S.-drafted resolution that would impose tough new sanctions against Iran to pressure the Islamic Republic to start negotiations on its suspect nuclear program, U.N. diplomats said Wednesday.

Tags: china, united states, iran, sanctions

Restaurateur wages BBQ diplomacy with N. Korea

New Jersey restaurateur Robert Egan barbecues meat for a living, except when he acts as a self-appointed, unofficial conduit between the United States and North Korea.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, korea

Azerbaijan to attend World Exhibition Expo 2010

Azerbaijan will be represented with national pavilions at the World Exhibition Expo 2010 to be held May 1-Oct. 31 in Shanghai under the theme "Better City, Better Life", the Azerbaijani Communications and IT Ministry reported.


Jamaica, Canada cooperate on maritime security

The Maritime Security Partnership aims to deliver capacity building assistance in Jamaica, to enable the country to maintain compliance with international maritime security standards, and establish a Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Maritime Security in Jamaica.

Tags: canada, jamaica, maritime security, transnational crime


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