A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

How’s That Appeasement Working Out?

Obama administration officials told me that if they could not induce Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir to hold a reasonably free and fair election, they would at the very least "tell it like it is." So why are they pulling their punches? The advocacy community sees in the administration's soft line on Sudan an act of consummate cynicism, and perhaps the most vivid proof to date that "engagement" is English for realpolitik.


Obama’s Soft Power Surge, And Other Statistical Novelties

Boz provides a nice round-up of the shift of perceptions in Latin America. Chile saw the region's biggest positive growth in pro-American sentiment (55% up from 42% last year). Mexicans, however...ouch: just 13% view US influence as favorable.


International Education Will Strengthen Our Country

Yet today, only 1 percent of American college students participate in study abroad programs each year, and, as [Lee] Hamilton points out, minorities and students of limited financial means are underrepresented.


Iran, Sanctions and the Memo

None of this should let the Security Council off the hook. A new resolution would provide important cover for these parallel tracks. Iran is especially vulnerable now, both economically and politically. Its leaders will be watching carefully, especially to see what its longtime trading partners and enablers in Russia and China do.


Learning from one another

JOSE H. Villarreal has been named commissioner general responsible for oversight of the USA Pavilion at World Expo 2010 Shanghai. He is the US government's official representative to China on issues related to Expo.

Tags: united states

Shanghai World Expo goes on trial run

On April 20, Shanghai World Expo held the first trial operation to ensure all preparations for the event are in order.The organizers will hold parts of the performances in Expo garden. Some of emergency drills will also be performed, including contingency plans for natural disasters and accidents.

Tags: china

World tour at the Shanghai Expo

The Expo is a perfect opportunity to get a panoramic view of the whole world without traveling thousands of miles. Just take a stroll with us for a quick tour of the various pavilions at the Expo to see what we mean.


Austria to showcase better image by participating in Shanghai Expo

Austria regarded its participation in the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai as an opportunity to showcase a real and whole Austria to the world, Austrian Minister of Economy Reinhold Mitterlehner said on Monday.

Tags: australia


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