A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Ahmadinejad Struts His Stuff in the Nuclear Showdown

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was pointedly left off the guest list for last week's Washington summit on nuclear security, which was attended by 47 world leaders... But Ahmadinejad is never one to stay home waiting forlornly for the phone to ring

Tags: iran

Diplomacy Lite, Military Heavy

Why is American foreign policy so diplomatically light but so militarily heavy? No, I'm not imagining things. And it's been that way for decades – George W. Bush and Dick Cheney just pushed the envelope further in that direction after 9/11.

Tags: united states

Israeli defense minister expresses worries about relations with U.S.

Israel's defense minister expressed concern Monday about deteriorating relations with the United States and warned that "the growing alienation" with President Obama's administration "is not a good thing for the state of Israel."

Tags: united states, israel

Want a Short Course in Cuban Culture?

The city of Miami, Florida, is an oasis of swaying palm trees, white beaches, yachts and gigantic tour ships in the harbor, a handy monorail transit system that winds all through downtown, and boutiques and clubs in a trendy shopping plaza called Coconut Grove.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, cuba

Iran wants better cultural ties with Azerbaijan

"We have to expand bilateral relations, particularly with Azerbaijan, in the field of culture and tourism." [Iranian Culture Minister] Mohammad Hosseini welcomed the Days of Azerbaijani Culture which are to be held in Iran in May.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, iran, azerbaijan

Public diplomacy reaps more success

Participants in a conference held by the Central Commission for External Relations in Hanoi on April 19 emphasized the importance of people-to-people diplomacy in relation to State diplomacy and Party external relations.

Tags: non-state pd, vietnam, people-to-people

World Expo song halted by plagiarism row

Use of the theme song for the World Expo in Shanghai has been suspended amid allegations that it is a plagiarized version of a Japanese song from 1997, according to the expo's Web site.

Tags: china

First ladies hold discussions on drug conflict

Over two sessions, Mrs. Zavala and Mrs. Obama -- who are developing a warm relationship -- talked about drug addiction, underage Mexican migrants to the United States, diabetes and obesity. Childhood obesity is one of Mrs. Obama's issues.

Tags: united states, mexico


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