A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Presidential Summit On Entrepreneurship A Paradigm Shift In Obama’s Leadership

The two-day Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship in Washington from April 26 is regarded as a paradigm shift in the US President Barack Obama's leadership, says one of the three Malaysians invited to attend the summit. Dakhshinamoorthy Balakrishnan says Obama has taken the right move by giving presidential attention to a global force in democratising commerce, bringing Islamic and non-Islamic nations together under one roof.

Tags: islam, barack obama

New Web Portal Tracks Airlines Delivering Aid and Arms

A new information portal launched Monday has been described as the world's first internet clearing house aimed at tracking unethical air cargo carriers transporting humanitarian aid and relief supplies to war zones while simultaneously smuggling arms and narcotics - at times, to the same conflict areas.

Tags: new technology, non-state pd

Clinton cancels Finland trip, Estonia visit unclear

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton canceled plans to travel to Finland this week because of the volcanic ash cloud that has disrupted European aviation, a U.S. State Department official said on Monday.

Tags: hillary clinton

‘India facing biggest diplomatic failure’

Singh said Pakistan's 'shrewd diplomacy' has outsmarted the UPA Government in recent significant diplomatic developments pertaining to India's strategic interests.

Tags: india, public opinion

Turkish foreign minister prepares for grueling five-day trip

Diplomacy is not an easy job. Unexpected developments can take diplomats, foreign ministers and even accompanying journalists to different parts of the world: The foreign minister is on just such a mission to spread Turkey's perspective on regional peace.

Tags: united states, turkey, brazil

Indonesia’s fate after ACFTA: A global player?

This dream-sense of "being a global player" was soon realized as too farfetched. Beside the current important elements of strong economies such as infrastructure, IT and human resources, Indonesia's state of mind isn't ready to play this global player role yet.

Tags: soft power, indonesia

U.S.-China Relations: Vision Needed

U.S.-China relations have been at a low point in recent months due to tensions over American arms sales to Taiwan, President Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama, disputes over the value of the yuan, the Copenhagen climate conference, and the U.S. government's support of Google's criticism of Chinese censorship.

Tags: china, united states

When Your Best Friend Gets Angry

How do you know when there's a real crisis in U.S.-Israel relations? It’s when the president of the United States convenes a nuclear security summit to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions, and the Israeli prime minister declines the invitation.

Tags: united states, israel


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