A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cracks in the bedrock of U.S.-Israel relations?

Across all 28 countries, to no one’s surprise, the country with the least positive reputation was Iran. It was closely followed in unpopularity by Pakistan, North Korea and Israel. Just 19 per cent of respondents in the 28 countries held a positive view of Israel, compared to 50 per cent with a negative one.

Tags: israel

Rising and Falling on Internet Freedom

Regimes trying to limit the damage from the Internet information explosion are only too well aware that their greatest enemy today is less from an outside military force, than from populations empowered by information about their own country and by the ability to communicate and organize via new cell phone technologies.

Tags: china, internet diplomacy

Global Views of United States Improve While Other Countries Decline

Global views of the United States have improved markedly over the last year while views of many countries have become more negative, according to the latest BBC World Service poll across 28 countries. For the first time since the BBC started tracking in 2005, views of the United States' influence in the world are now more positive than negative on average.

Tags: united states

Will they stay or will they go?

The fate of many pavilions at Expo remains in the balance. Some may stay, some may be moved to other parts of China, while others will be dismantled and sold. At least one will fall apart naturally.


Expo enhances cross-Straits relations

Ties between Taipei and Shanghai are growing closer in the lead up to Expo Shanghai 2010, following historic exchanges between top-level officials and businessmen from both sides of the Strait.

Tags: china, taiwan

Korea unveils Shanghai Expo business exhibit

With less than two weeks to go before the start of the World Expo Shanghai, the Korea Business Pavilion showcasing 12 major conglomerates was unveiled yesterday.

Tags: korea

Interview: Reality, plurality, key words of Greek pavilion in Shanghai EXPO, architect says

The recreation of a characteristic Greek city in a virtual artistic manner that focuses on reality and plurality is the main idea behind the Greek pavilion for the forthcoming EXPO 2010 in Shanghai, the Greek architect Alexandros Tombazis said on Monday.

Tags: greece

From Buenos Aires to Cochabamba

In both spirit and in structure, the Cochabamba meeting is meant to give greater voice to civil society, indigenous groups, and those who hail from countries most impacted by the effects of climate change.

Tags: non-state pd, latin america, civil society, climate change, bolivia


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