A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Shanghai’s Expo Is Chance For World To Court China

On May 1, the modern-day equivalent, the World Expo, will open in Shanghai, China. Given China's rising international profile, the Shanghai Expo seems to be less about inventions and more about geopolitics.

Tags: china, india, united nations, japan, united kingdom

Smurfs, Bollywood give Shanghai Expo star power‎

THE Smurfs, the Little Mermaid, Bollywood stars, tenor Andrea Bocelli and the acrobats of Cirque du Soleil are part of a colourful diplomatic offensive to win Chinese hearts at this year's World Expo.

Tags: india, france, canada, brazil, italy, belgium, denmark

More the US Public Diplomacy Framework: Concept and Structure

This kind of conceptual identity change requires input and reflexivity from the State Department. A willingness to accept outsider perspectives and wisdom. It strikes me that Seib’s points on the framework reveal a more insular strategy formation process than he or others are comfortable with.


U.S. to use profiling checks for incoming flights

The Obama administration will announce Friday a new screening system for flights to the United States under which passengers who fit an intelligence profile of potential terrorists will be searched before boarding their flight, a senior administration official said.


Harow offered senior public diplomacy post

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s former bureau chief Ari Harow has received an offer to serve as the deputy director-general of the Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Ministry and run its hasbara efforts, sources in the ministry said Thursday.


Haiti prompts meeting of top Cuban, US officials

Cuba's foreign minister met with a top U.S. State Department official to coordinate medical help for quake-ravaged Haiti, one of the highest level encounters in years between the Cold War enemies, officials said Thursday.


Is Literature Useful as an Instrument of “Soft Power?”

In today’s lead story about the Chinese book market, Dr. Luc Kwanten of the Big Apple literary agency says that in recent years China has been promoting the export of its literature — either by supporting translations or participating in book fairs — as an exercise in “soft power.”


Serbia’s Honest Apology

The reactions to the resolution, however, have been shockingly churlish and cynical. Some, especially but not only Bosnian Muslims, have complained that the resolution was worthless because it talks only of a “crime” and a “tragedy,” not a “genocide.” Others say Serbia’s government pushed this resolution through merely to curry favor with the European Union, which it desperately wants to join.



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