A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Europe—the Hidden Superpower

The plain truth is that the European Union is the second-greatest power on the world scene today, destined to soon become the dominant superpower in the very near future.

Tags: european union

Book Review: China: Neither fully foe nor partner

But the East Asian giant is not at this point to be regarded as a true enemy in the traditional sense, nor is it the "partner" of the United States that its friends and apologists claim it to be, says Stefan Halper, director of the Atlantic studies program at England's Cambridge University.

Tags: china

Diplomacy and development mantra needs revisiting

But many of the diplomats agreed with me partially that neither diplomacy nor development could happen from bunkers by untrained and circumscribed staffers, who remain completely oblivious of locals.

Tags: pakistan

Soft Power, Hard Battles

In the past few weeks, Indian foreign policy has convinced itself it is a victim of the POPO principle. Indian diplomats have found America and its allies strangely unresponsive to their core security concerns. The Barack Obama administration seems to take this country for granted. To top it all, Pakistan is exultant, believing it has trumped India yet again.

Tags: india, pakistan

Hong Kong: Needed Now - Faces of Hong Kong!

The Faces of Hong Kong campaign is a key part of BrandHKs new strategy to further its appeal and reach. Faces of Hong Kong will bring BrandHK to life by using real stories and photos from people of all walks of life to show the world our dynamism, our enterprising spirit and our friendliness.

Tags: hong kong

New council to promote Taiwan-HK relations

A new Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Cooperation Council, backed by the Cabinet-level Mainland Affairs Council (MAC), will be established in May to promote relations with Hong Kong. MAC officials have confirmed that the new council will be organized by board directors representing the government and private sector.

Tags: taiwan, hong kong

First British Council Touring English Conference Addresses Teaching Mixed Ability Classes

Teachers from Government schools across the UAE had the opportunity to improve the way they teach mixed ability classes and adapt materials at the first British Council Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers Conference on Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 March.

Tags: united kingdom, united arab emirates

‘Flexible diplomacy’ helps improve Taiwan’s image in Pacific

President Ma Ying-jeou has insisted in his two years in office that a flexible diplomatic strategy could help Taiwan break free from the stigma of checkbook diplomacy and project a new image and status in the international community.

Tags: taiwan


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