A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Shanghai citizens asked to be polite as Expo draws near‎

"Be friendly. Don't cut in line. Keep to the right while driving and walking." As the one month countdown to the World Expo began Thursday, authorities are asking Shanghai residents to be on their best behavior.

Tags: china

Beijing duck joins Expo menu

Beijing roast duck, one of the most famous of Chinese dishes, will be on the menu at the Shanghai World Expo, managers of the Quanjude restaurant chain said yesterday.

Tags: china

HK Pavilion model on display at HK Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition Gallery

A model of the Hong Kong Pavilion built for the Expo 2010 Shanghai China is now on display at Hong Kong Planning and Infrastructure Exhibition Gallery.Visitors can take a close look at the model to learn more about the design and how it represents the theme "Hong Kong - Potential Unlimited".

Tags: hong kong

Expo security tightened in Shanghai

China is confident of hosting a safe and successful World Expo, Shanghai's top leader has said in the aftermath of serial suicide bombings in Russia which have jolted the world.

Tags: china

Pavilions ready for 2010 World Expo

With just a month to go until the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, preparations for the main pavilions are entering their final stages.

Tags: china

Shanghai Expo’s Taiwan Pavilion to enter trial run

The Taiwan Pavilion at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai will begin a trial run on April 20 and open on May 1 as scheduled, an organizer said Thursday.

Tags: china, taiwan

Shanghai awaits tourism boom for world expo

WITH ONE month to go before the World Expo 2010, China’s financial capital Shanghai is gearing up for a tourism boom as it seeks to promote China’s most glamorous city to the world with the event known as the “Economic Olympics”.

Tags: china

Sanctions will make Tehran take notice

After months of dilly-dallying, the Chinese government has finally decided to abandon its policy of "negotiations only" with regards to the Iranian nuclear programme. According to Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the UN, China has now officially agreed to enter talks with western powers about a new UN resolution against Iran, which aims to introduce new sanctions.



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