A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Can 2010 be a catalyst for ‘brand-making’ SA’s values?

Whilst most soccer pundits point to the 2006 World Cup held in Germany as an example of leveraging the world's biggest sporting event for rebranding the hosting nation, possibly the most relevant testimony to the nation branding power of the global showpiece emanates from the 2002 co-hosts, the Republic of Korea.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nation branding, south africa

What’s in a Nation’s Brand?

Public diplomacy is fuelled by soft power. Foreign ministries in Canada and New Zealand have ample ability to deliver the former, and each country has substantial reserves of the latter. It is perhaps time for the world to see more of the silver fern, and, might I add, the maple leaf.


Google’s lonely stand for human rights in China

[Sergey Brinn] is one of those people who thought that China's acceptance of American companies would liberalize the country. Above all, the Internet was going to do wonders. It was the ultimate liberalizing machine -- a communications medium that by its very nature could evade the censors with their clumsy, antediluvian red pencils.


GCC students embark on Australian adventure

Two Genesee Community College nursing students and one instructor embarked on a trip to Australia Tuesday that marks the beginning of a new era at GCC. They left Tuesday for the six-week study abroad trip. This is the first group to participate in the international exchange program.


Lo, The Mideast Moves

The passage of the U.S. health care bill is a major foreign policy victory for President Barack Obama. It empowers him by demonstrating his ability to deliver. Nowhere is that more important than in the Middle East. All the global mutterings about the “Carterization” of Obama, and the talk (widespread in Israel) of kicking the can down the road and so getting through the “garbage time” of a one-term president — that is suddenly yesterday’s chatter.


Merkel says EU-Turkey talks are ‘open-ended’

Chancellor Merkel made a symbolic concession on language concerning Turkey's EU membership prospects during a visit to Ankara on Monday but tensions remain between the German leader and her Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Speaking to the press following their talks, Ms Merkel said she now understood that the term "privileged partnership does not have a good connotation in Turkey."


Brisk exchange across Taiwan Straits

Cultural exchange across the Taiwan Straits has been gaining momentum since the new year. It started with the Taiwan stage production "The Village", which struck a familiar chord with the Mainland audience. The event was followed by the sensational premiere of "Turandot" in Taichung, Taiwan over the weekend.


‘India Inc should start investing more in France’

To counter the tough global economic trend, France on Monday urged India Inc to invest in the world's fifth largest economy. This is also a testimony to the increasing respectability towards Indian entrepreneurs.

Tags: india, non-state pd, france


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