A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Malmö: The Iraqi city

Cultural life in Iraq is on the back-burner, but it still exists. And now the Iraq authorities are reaching out, to Malmö. During a trip to the country, Natik Awayez, artistic director for the Inkonst Culture Center in Malmö, was invited by Aqeel Al Mindlawie, Iraq's general director for cultural relations.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, iraq

On eve of Passover, polls shows Israelis concerned about their international standing

Nearly one out of every two Israelis thinks the country's international standing is poor following Israel's most serious crisis with the United States in decades, according to a poll published Monday on the eve of the Passover holiday.

Tags: israel

Merkel arrives in Ankara for tough talks with Turkish prime minister

Talks are expected to focus on the German head of state's opposition to European Union membership for the predominantly Muslim country. Merkel favors a privileged partnership with the EU, while Turkey wants full membership.

Tags: turkey, european union, germany

Australia launches Victoria week for Shanghai World Expo

Australian state of Victoria will showcase its capabilities in key areas such as information and communication technology, biotechnology, sustainable urban development, education, tourism and the arts during a week-long program of events at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

Tags: australia

China mining company causes unrest in Niger

As resource-hungry China expands its holdings here, local groups and Tuareg-led political opposition are voicing concerns over Chinese investment in the Saharan state's graft-ridden mining industry.

Tags: china, corporate diplomacy, niger

Pakistan’s Impressive Rebuilding Program In Afghanistan

It is interesting how very few American writers have acknowledged the Pakistani contribution. One reason for this is Pakistan's weak public diplomacy skills. Most Pakistanis don't know about this, let alone Afghans and the international media.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, pakistan, afghanistan

Indonesian Cultural Center opens in Brussels

The center will run courses in Balinese gamelan and dance, Indonesian language, batik making, cooking, angklung (bamboo musical instrument) as well as hosting art performances and cultural discussions.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, indonesia

IPL in South Africa did diplomatic wonders for India: Envoy

...Navneet Suri, a former consul general to South Africa, said that the popularity and level of awareness created about India by the IPL bandwagon in South Africa was one of the biggest gains of the money-spinner tournament.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, sports diplomacy, south africa, indonesia


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