A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

We need to reinvent America’s smart power

The U.S. was a smart power in the past. Serious challenges from China now are reducing America's influence internationally. The U.S. has to wake up and focus on the task of rediscovering how to be a smart power again.

Tags: china, united states

Trials, Not Special Ops, Better Weapon Against Terrorists, Moscow Analyst Says

Reactions to the deadly bombing in the Moscow metro Monday have been extremely predictable. Vladimir Putin has called for an even harsher campaign against terrorists. Dmitry Medvedev has called for a similar campaign but with respect for law. And others have speculated about who is to blame and how the powers that be will exploit it.

Tags: russia

Why India lost the Afghan plot…

How do you account for this contradiction? India is the most popular country among the people of Afghanistan. This is the finding of the Pew survey conducted a few months ago. India has already spent $1.2 billion in humanitarian assistance. Roads, bridges, hospitals and Parliament building are some of the public structures that it has built after the Taliban were thrown out by US-based international forces from Afghanistan in 2001.

Tags: india, afghanistan

British Council International Climate Champions Showcase Projects to Combat Climate Change

British Council Climate Champions from UAE are today showcasing their ambitious projects to combat climate change in their local community during a two-day regional workshop (30-31 March). This showcasing event marks the end of the first year of the Climate Champions programme in the Middle East.

Tags: united kingdom, arab

Google’s Internet Diplomacy in China

Google decided last week to stop censoring its Google.cn search portal and shift all its Chinese search traffic to its Hong Kong operation. Google is playing at a much deeper political game than one would typically expect of a corporate entity, and in the process, it is further blurring the boundaries between technology and sovereignty.

Tags: china, google

India talking to Taliban?

If the news reports are true, India’s willingness to talk to the Taliban would represent a seismic shift in strategy for New Delhi and underlines the concern that the Congress-led government has over Pakistan’s influence in any Afghan end game.

Tags: india, taliban

First Recipients of USC Africa Fund Named

Silva Sevlian will be studying the Armenian Ethiopian community in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, focusing on the role of Christianity as a tool for public diplomacy between Armenia and Ethiopia. During her 16-day trip, she will conduct interviews with members of the Armenian Ethiopian community while taking video and audio footage and photographs to document the shrinking population.


Symphony moves history forward

Ascending Dragon, the biggest cultural exchange between Viet Nam and the US, has created a buzz among the Asian country's music scene.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, vietnam


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