A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama shifts from a populist to a personal approach

Obama broke with the personality-based foreign policy of George W. Bush in favor of a more populist diplomacy, which seeks to leverage his appeal with foreign publics to further the national interests he is pursuing with their leaders.

Tags: united states

In Afghanistan, Soldiers Use Diplomacy to Win the Battle

In this week's "Unplugged Under 40," First Lt. Patrick Nevins shows us how Marines fighting in Afghanistan must use more than military tactics to accomplish their mission.

Tags: afghanistan, non-state pd

The world needs diplomats now more than ever before

There is much talk in the air – especially in Britain and the United States – about reinventing diplomacy for the twenty-first century. Both US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the British Tories' leader, David Cameron, have spoken recently of a new synthesis of defence, diplomacy, and development...


UN chief to make first trip to Central Asia

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon heads to Central Asia this week for the first time. The five-nation trip will focus on regional cooperation, disarmament, tackling climate change and promoting development, the United Nations announced Monday.

Tags: united nations

Poking fun, US-style, in Egypt

Similar in style to Western satirical newspapers and websites, such as the The Onion, the English-language website El Koshary Today (EKT), puts an ironic twist on Egyptian current events and makes light of more serious societal ills plaguing Egyptian society.


Africa: ‘Reclaim Control Over EPA Talks’

Southern Africa People's Solidarity Network (SASPN) was started in 1999 by civil society groups that believe the struggle for economic, environmental, social and political justice, including for people's participation in decision-making, continues after the fall of apartheid.

Tags: africa, civil society

America and Britain: A relationship that has stood the test of time

The special relationship, a special relationship, or just the normal kind of relationship you would expect between allies? That is the question posed by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee in its report on Anglo-American ties published yesterday.

Tags: united states, britain, transatlantic relations

China struggles with stance on nuclear power as summit nears

Two weeks before the United States hosts a summit on nuclear security, one of its most important invitees, China, has yet to RSVP.

Tags: china, united states


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