A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Residents Protest: For Americanism not Communism (Article in Mandarin)

Los Angeles residents protest against Confucius Institutes...


Chieftains put historical spin on new album

For the Chieftains' new album, "San Patricio," Paddy Moloney brought to fruition an idea that had been brewing in his head for nearly 30 years. The story concerns the Legion of St. Patrick, or San Patricios, a battalion of Irish expatriates that fought in the Mexican-American war.


University of Pennsylvania Joins International Collaboration

The University of Pennsylvania’s Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter has entered into a multi-year agreement with specialty chemical producer Rhodia and the French National Center for Scientific Research to launch an international, public-private research collaboration in soft condensed matter.

Tags: science diplomacy

China Warns U.S. Against Selling F-16s to Taiwan

A top Chinese military official reaffirmed China’s resolve to punish the United States over its decision to sell weapons to Taiwan and suggested on Thursday that there would be even greater consequences should Washington fulfill a longstanding request by Taiwan for advanced fighter jets.


A route to resolution for Syria and Israel

When it comes to Israel and its regional neighbours, bellicose language often drowns out peacemaking in a conflict that so often looks intractable. But a potential opening on the Israel-Syria track deserves attention because it could offer movement in a process that suffers from fatigue and cynicism.


Obama’s desire for dialogue has some questioning his effectiveness

There's a growing sentiment among some countries, including in the European Union, that despite his charismatic personality Obama may not be capable of providing the firm, creative leadership they expected when he took office...those outside the U.S. have been more concerned by his perceived failure to deal with important international issues.


Wrong troops, wrong ammunition

But sending good-natured Israelis into the public diplomacy battlefield, to talk about how delicious Jaffa oranges are, how their nephew just went to work for this amazing new hi-tech start-up or how much the Israel Philharmonic has improved of late, is to use entirely the wrong troops with entirely the wrong ammunition for the fight.


Students choose purpose, not partying

It’s spring break time. And while college students across the nation are clicking the “submit” button on their all-inclusive vacation packages to Cancún, Cabo and the Caribbean, certain groups of Pepperdine students are preparing to take a different route of traveling around the world, pursuing missions of service, purpose and leadership.



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