A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

US wins in India-Pakistan talks

Without a resolution of their chronic conflict, neither country can enjoy true security. And American aims in Afghanistan cannot be achieved as long as Pakistan and India continue their fierce, covert struggle for influence in that country.


Foreign affairs minister touts success of flexible diplomacy

Addressing a Chinese New Year party for retired diplomatic personnel, Yang said the policy, which is different from the aggressive approach adopted by the administration of former President Chen Shui-bian, has allowed President Ma Ying-jeou to rebuild trust between Taiwan and other countries.


American diplomats shun “hardship posts” in third world countries

The underlying assumptions for the hardship differential are questionable. First of all, the more dangerous the country is, the more likely the American diplomats are to confined themselves to their Embassy "bubble" complexes, which take on the appearance of being "little Americas."


Development model, soft power key to global competition: Russian scholar

[Nikolai Zlobin, a Russian scholar based in Washington D.C.] said great changes demanded all governments review their foreign policies and spend more resources establishing reputations, which he said were earned through soft power rather than military means.


China Daily Gets a Makeover

China has been encouraging its media industry to consolidate and adopt a more market-driven approach that relies less on government funding. China’s foreign-language media serves an important role in the country’s global soft power push, a role that the China Daily appears to have taken to heart.


Turkey And Israel: What Lies Behind The Recent Volte Face

It seems that the Turkish-Israeli love affair of the initial post-Cold War days is over and a new era in bilateral relations has begun. The volte face in Turkey’s policy vis-à-vis Israel has been attributed to a range of issues...


Raising the Stakes in Ukraine

Now that the dust from the campaign has settled, and Russia seeks to magnify its influence in the country, America and the European Union (EU) cannot afford a business as usual approach to Kyiv.


Barack Obama’s top 10 insults against Britain

For a government that pledged to "restore" America's standing in the world, it is doing a spectacularly bad job, kowtowing to America's enemies while consistently kicking her allies.



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