A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Indian women peacekeepers hailed in Liberia

The Indian women were pioneers, the unit's experience in Liberia an experiment of sorts for the United Nations... Indian policewomen first arrived in Liberia in 2007, and a fresh batch arrived a few days ago in Monrovia as part of the rotation.


Academic Conferences as Cultural Diplomacy: My Visit to the University of Leeds

I left the conference reminded that cultivating these types of friendships and associations is an amazing aspect of academia and a powerful tool for public diplomacy in its own right.


An American in Brazil

In her campaign for the presidency, Hilary Rodham Clinton barely uttered the word Brazil. But as secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton has recognized Brazil as the most powerful country in South America and a rising global power.


Squabbles dogging U.S. ‘big picture’ in Middle East

Vice President Joe Biden, President Obama's big picture guy, is set to draw it for the Israelis next week in a major address: Confront Iran internationally, talk peace regionally.


Russia says still room for diplomacy with Iran

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday there was still room for diplomacy rather than sanctions to produce a solution to the dispute with Iran over its nuclear program.


Iran - Meeting with head of Islamic Culture and Communications Organizationas well as IRI cultural

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with head of Islamic Culture and Communications Organization as well as IRI cultural representatives abroad said Tuesday the real might of the country was in culture.


Tougher UK visa rules will not impact Taiwanese students

Tougher rules on UK visa applications which take effect Wednesday will not affect Taiwanese students aspiring to study in the United Kingdom, the UK representative office in Taipei and Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Tuesday.


The thrill of the unknown

It was an engaging conversation with two eminent crime and fantasy writers from UK. The authors were in Chennai as part of Lit Sutra, a programme of cultural relations through reading and writing, building on the success of the British Council’s festival of Indian writing at the London Book Fair 2009.



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