A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Arab League Accepts U.S. Proposal on Peace Talks

The ministers, gathered in the hall of the League of Arab States in central Cairo, supported allowing the United States mediated talks to go forward for just four months, officials said.


‘Water’ in India-Pakistan talks

The Indus Waters Treaty 1960, which settled the sharing of the Indus waters, is internationally regarded as an example of successful conflict-resolution between two countries otherwise locked in a bad relationship.


Theatre fest from South Asia on Women’s Day

The festival, first of its kind in the region, will feature plays from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India...


Cuba travels: four days on Avocado Street

When I learned that President Obama had eased restrictions on American travel to Cuba, I felt I needed to take him up on what I saw as a personal invitation. The impulse was strong within me, and in no time I had a ticket to Havana.


New Franco-Russian rapprochement

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has clearly decided to forget his earlier strident and principled declarations about Russia, Chechnya and human rights and cosy up to Moscow.


Policy, not faith, shapes US-Muslim ties

Americans tend to obsess about certain issues when the national imagination is either sparked or confounded, and in recent years that issue seems to be Islam and Muslims.


A celebration of Mexican art

Art institutes around Los Angeles pull out all the stops in honor of Mexico's bicentennial with a rich display from its 3,000 years of history.


Ex-Saakashvili Ally Seeks to Rebuild Georgian Ties With Russia

Georgian opposition leader Nino Burjanadze, a former speaker of parliament, traveled to Russia today in a bid to rebuild relations destroyed by the two countries’ five-day war in August 2008.



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