A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

New campaign for citizen diplomacy irks foreign press

During a radio debate a few months ago, legislator Zevulun Orlev bemoaned the fact that the Israeli government's budget for PR was smaller than Coca-Cola's advertising budget. Now, a new campaign invites all Israelis to serve as ambassadors, saving Coca-Cola-size budgets.


CMO Council Inaugurates New GeoBranding Center With Brand South Africa Social Media Contest

The eight-week, people-inspired, online ad contest, opening March 15, is part of a major Nation Branding research project being undertaken by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the International Marketing Council of South Africa, which is responsible for defining and shaping Brand South Africa's image throughout the world.


Rock and Roll Jihad for Peace

Madanjeet Singh, founder of the South Asia Foundation, had sought out Salman to perform the first ever rock concert in war-torn Kashmir. It was a bold move, but Ambassador Singh understands the power of culture to promote peace. The symbolism of a Pakistani band performing in Indian controlled Kashmir was not lost on any of us.


It’s Not Rocket Science

Russia’s failure to create a new national identity is evident in its relationship to science. It has yet to decide whether it wants to be a great power or could be content to overtake Portugal — or as oligarch Oleg Deripaska put it ruefully, “to catch up with the Soviet Union.”


Russia-Georgia border crossing reopens

Russia and Georgia have reopened a border crossing that has been closed since July 2006, officials say. The Verkhny Lars crossing - situated on a narrow mountain pass high in the Caucasus mountains - was closed by Russia amid deteriorating relations.


Uganda activists petition against anti-gay bill

Critics of a proposed Ugandan law that would impose the death penalty for some gays say they've gathered 500,000 signatures calling for the bill's rejection. A delegation including Anglican priest Canon Gideon Byamugisha delivered the petition to Uganda's parliament on Monday.


Clinton to meet with Uruguay’s incoming president

Clinton's five-nation weeklong trip is sure to focus on the earthquake in Chile, even as she tries to build support for fresh penalties against Iran. Clinton will briefly visit Santiago, Chile's capital, Tuesday morning."We want to show America's support for the people of Chile while mindful of the realities on the ground," [said a Clinton aide]


Toward a new world order

The West's bullying approach to developing nations won't work anymore -- global power is shifting to Asia. This is the first in a four-part series of articles examining how the world will manage a shift in power and influence from west to east.



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