A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Public Diplomacy- Doing it Online

With the explosion in online media, these spaces have multiplied and diversified to a point where quantifying or targeting them becomes an impossibility. So whither the earnest art of Public Diplomacy? For the US, engaging with online publics has become a priority.


Twin Festivals: A Cultural Exchange launched

The Association of Independent Festivals has launched a new initiative which partners the UK independent festivals with their counterparts abroad called the AIF Twin Festivals: A Cultural Exchange. The campaign will involve festivals helping market their twin's event in their own territories, encourage artist exchanges and other collaborative efforts that hopefully will be carried on as the years go on.


Riyadh Declaration cements ties

[Saudi] King Abdullah and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh signed the Riyadh Declaration on Sunday night. The declaration, termed a “New era of strategic partnership”, will be implemented by the two countries for their economic, cultural, social and scientific development


U.S. Government’s Global Tourism Tax Blitzkrieg: Travel Promotion Act (TPA)

The recently passed Travel Promotion Act (TPA) is nothing more than an expansion of the federal bureaucracy and a government desperate for revenue streams placing an industry and job killing tax on the U.S. Tourism industry. Currently U.S. individual states, counties and local governments in cooperation with private businesses promote U.S. destinations globally.


Social Networks Play a Major Part in How We Get News

The latest study from Pew Internet analyzes the news Americans are consuming and various different ways they find news. Based on a sample of 2,259 adults, the study reveals that three fourths of the people (75%) who find news online get it either forwarded through e-mail or posts on social networking sites, and half of them (52%) forward the news through those means.


US Naval Research Office opens in Prague

The U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) that supports science opened its branch in Prague and a part of the office's activities have been moved to the Czech capital from London that was the only European branch until Friday.

Tags: science diplomacy

Culture transcends a divide

Indian movies are watched in virtually every Pakistani household, transcending boundaries between rich and poor, liberals and conservatives. Even Pakistani military men are fond of the flicks and their dance sequences, as one mid-ranking officer told me. Pakistani music, on the other hand, is deeply popular in India.


Filmmaker’s videos show the underlying bonds of humanity

[Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee] has traveled the world producing short films that, while honoring diversity, seek to demonstrate the underlying bonds of humanity. His Global Oneness Project was born in 2005, which just happened to position it perfectly for the explosion of video on the Web.



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