A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China Daily and its “stunning” makeover

This week, China Daily got the biggest makeover in its 29-year history. Among the variety of "stunning" changes are a brand new masthead, an incorporation of visual elements using "state-of-the-art" design elements" and a "fine-tuned reporting mix." Not gone: China Daily's hilariously awesome headlines.


Europe can’t afford to go soft on Iran

Neda Soltan has become the symbol of the desire for freedom of a people that Europe must help. This simple act could demonstrate the importance of Europe’s soft power, which frightens the Islamic Republic by keeping the media spotlight on the regime’s human rights record.


Ankara plays Afghanistan, Iraq cards

Ankara has threatened that U.S. expectations from Turkey regarding Afghanistan and Iraq may not be fulfilled if the U.S. Congress passes the controversial Armenian “genocide” resolution, which will be voted on this week.


Beijing advised by expert to build its Empire State Building

An expert has suggested that Beijing should build its own version of the Empire State Building, in order to help its Central Business District (CBD) achieve wider recognition.


A call for religious diplomacy

Religious leaders must be seen as equal partners and positive agents of change in 21st century public diplomacy. Diplomacy carried out by religious leaders must finally receive the respect and ear of their nation's political leaders if we are to begin a new journey that extends far beyond traditional inter-faith dialogue.


Second Annual ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey challenges stereotypes about Arab youth

Contrary to the widespread perception of the Middle East as a region defined by conflict and a growing East/West cultural and political divide, the vast majority of Arab youth prioritise harmonious relations with the international community and wholeheartedly regard themselves as global citizens.


Training must to meet modern challenges effectively: Kaira

Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Qamar Zaman Kaira Tuesday said the government was endeavoring to play a frontline role in Pakistan’s public diplomacy at home and abroad.


Is the Role of Cultural Diplomacy Evolving in the 21st Century?

"What is the role of diplomacy in the 21st century?" Supranational organizations, the increase in broad-base public diplomacy initiatives, trade and other economic flows, and technology are all changing the role of traditional diplomats in influencing world events.



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