A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Isolated India is bad news

It would be an understatement to suggest that Indian diplomacy faced a major setback at the Afghanistan Conference in London. India was humiliated and its concerns were summarily ignored. In one stroke, Pakistan rendered New Delhi irrelevant in the evolving security dynamic in Afghanistan.


China doing all it can in global affairs

China will use its full repertoire of diplomatic skills to deal with international affairs, but there may be issues beyond its influence, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has said amid growing global expectations of China exerting a greater role in world affairs.


Ukraine-Korea friendship to be based on cultural bond

Intangible yet fundamental, a strong cultural bridge can be a gateway to enhancing international relations in today's complex global society. Marking the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Ukraine Culture and Art Council in Seoul, the council and the embassy of Ukraine recently co-organized a social event to celebrate bilateral cultural relations.


Iran should help to harmonize Persian language in region: Tajik scholar

The director of the Tajikistan Writers’ Union, Mirza Shakurzadeh, has said that Iran should take the lead in restoration of the linguistic authenticity of Persian in the region. Scientific terms are translated differently in the three Persian-speaking countries of Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.


Is there a Chinese model?

During 2009 there was an upsurge in Chinese academic and journalistic writings concerning the question of a "Chinese model". Since last year Chinese intellectuals have been heatedly debating whether there is such a distinct Chinese model for development - and, if so, what are its contents and is it transferable for other countries?


Sino-Russian Energy Relations: True Friendship Or Phony Partnership?

Over the last decade, China and Russia have devoted increasing attention to what they term as their "strategic partnership.” Moscow and Beijing share interests in standing against the predominant influence of the United States and, more broadly, the West.


Reality Check: The joke’s on Edelstein

It’s hard to blame non-Israelis for lacking an understanding of the country when a Web site published by a government ministry puts out such a warped view of the country’s history. And when one looks deeper at the information filling this Web site it becomes clear that its aim is not so much to turn every Israeli into a potential ambassador but simply to propagate Yuli Edelstein’s right-wing political views at the taxpayer’s expense.


Citizen Diplomacy and Sister Cities

Sister cities by the USA definition are based solidly on grass-roots, community, people-to-people exchange, friendship and understanding, and the ideal of world peace. Local governments are needed for endorsement and protocol, but they largely take a 'hands off' approach. That is quite in line with the wider concept of citizen diplomacy.



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