A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A government without hope

It's easy to chuckle at "Masbirim Yisrael" ("Explaining Israel"), the Information and Diaspora Ministry's campaign to give Israelis "tired of seeing how we are portrayed in the world" the tools to shape the country's image. But more than ridiculous, the campaign is disconcerting.


Tanzania: Science Must Benefit Mankind

A Tanzanian scientist who last year narrowly missed being appointed Unesco director general has said he would continue to pursue science diplomacy for the benefit of the world.

Tags: science diplomacy

Clashing Realities in the Muslim World

The OIC post is symbolically important, and it is decent to have a Muslim who is sympathetic to Islam, as part of this war we are fighting is a propaganda war. The ideological gap we have over the radical fundamentalists outstrips even our vast military superiority, and promoting our diversity helps to further the understanding of that reality.


Facing the Chinese challenge

What we need is to redress the imbalance between our hard and soft power. China's soft power is no match for America's. What's essential here is that we have to invest more in our soft power instruments.


SA High Court ruling null and void: Govt

Zimbabwe will not be influenced by a South African High Court ruling seeking to enforce a Sadc Tribunal order promoting white former farmers’ interests above those of resettled black Zimbabweans.


The Only Public Diplomacy Campaign That Matters

There are different conceptions of public diplomacy out there. Many of them concern how the U.S. talks to skeptical publics. I tend to feel that public diplomacy divorced from substantive policy decisions is transparent, condescending, credibility-destroying bullshit.


New poll shows Olympics helping to boost Canadian pride

A poll conducted by Angus Reid this past week shows that three quarters of Canadians are feeling pride as a result of the Vancouver 2010 Games. The poll, which surveyed 504 adult residents living in the Vancouver area, showed that 74% of people feel the games have been run well.


CNN Named ‘Most Trusted’ on Racial, Cultural Issues

It seems there's a new poll or survey every week naming this or that network "the most trusted" in some category. One asking which media outlets journalists trusted to "provide fair and unbiased reporting of racial and cultural issues." 69% of respondents said they highly trust or somewhat trust CNN, the highest percentage of any news organization.



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