A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Top essay sees school-girl on her way to Gallipoli

An Auckland teenager will head to Turkey next week on a cultural exchange with a difference. She was given the youth award because of her very special connection with one of the New Zealanders that fought there in World War One.


VOA Amharic Broadcasts Jammed in Ethiopia

International shortwave radio monitors have confirmed that VOA broadcasts in the Amharic language are being jammed. Amharic is the main official language and the language of commerce in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Communications Office spokesman Shimelis Kemal denied any government involvement in the jamming.


U.S. gets in gear for Expo 2010

Organizers say the U.S. pavilion will be ready by May 1 for the opening of the international fair in Shanghai. America's absence might have been seen as a snub to China.


Talking to Iran has helped the US

Critics argue that the recent International Atomic Energy Agency report proves that the Obama administration's policy of engagement has been a waste of time, allowing Iran to make progress toward a bomb without feeling the pain of tougher sanctions. But this myopic view ignores the fact that engagement has created an unprecedented international consensus on the need for coercive action.


Hearts, Minds And Wallets: Lessons From China’s Growing Relationship With Africa

To sweeten the relationship further, in October China cancelled 150 government debts owed by 32 African countries (Lee, 2009). China is winning the hearts and minds of the African people, through their wallets certainly, but also through a respectful understanding that Africa is a continent with a history, and a future beyond poverty and conflict.


Guest Blogger: Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX) on Strategic Communication

To help reinvigorate the discussion, I have introduced H.R. 489 a bill to improve how America directly communicates with people across the world. This bill would establish an independent “Center for Strategic Communication” that would coordinate America’s message across our government. It would provide research on attitudes and media trends in foreign countries and build expertise on how we can better communicate around the world.


New Awards Strengthen Australia-India Science Links

The theme for the inaugural awards, "energy generation in a low-carbon future", reflects the importance India and Australia place on meeting our growing energy requirements in a sustainable manner.

Tags: science diplomacy

Israel and France to Hold Conference for Young Scientists in Jerusalem

Israel's Ministry of Science and Technology, the France-Israel Foundation, and the Embassy of France in Israel are jointly organizing, for the very first time, a conference for young scientists on 8-11 March at the Mount Zion Hotel in Jerusalem.

Tags: science diplomacy


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