A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

British Council to close centres in Nigeria

The British Council said in Abuja on Friday that it was closing all its information outlets in Nigeria due to changing market conditions that had affected its funding.


Challenges in Afghanistan

The well-planned assaults around the City Centre shopping complex and the Safi Landmark hotel in Kabul on Feb 26 delivered yet another blow to the Pakistan-Afghanistan-India confidence-building process.


US Report Finds Kabul Embassy Stretched, Morale Challenged

A U.S. government report has cast doubt on the future success of the civilian side of the new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. The U.S. government has sought to overhaul its public diplomacy efforts in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and the report said staffing levels were inadequate to deal with this.


US revamps media approach in Pakistan, Afghanistan

In an area where conspiracy theories are a growth industry, the Obama administration is trying to overhaul its message machine in Pakistan and Afghanistan while using new tools to fight extremism.


Ban Ki goes to Hollywood

Ban Ki-moon... quietly visited Hollywood this Oscar week, devoting an entire day to lobbying hundreds of the world's most influential actors, directors, and film producers about the potential benefits of storylines that portray his organisation in a positive light.


Global Climate Governance Emerges as Test Case for EU

In the multipolar world of climate governance, Europe lacks the veto power of China and the United States. Instead it must try to reconcile a fluid multipolar world with the European Union's vision of "effective multilateralism."


The Foundations of Russian Culture and Art

On view at the Louvre, "Holy Russia" offers much more than a fascinating display of works of art from far-flung institutions inside and outside Russia.


Serbian and French Style Diplomacy

The public in Serbia understands the style of Minister Vuk Jeremic, although international diplomatic circles often criticize him for the lack of tact.



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