A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

US eases Cuba, Iran, Sudan sanctions to allow freer web

US technology firms will now be allowed to export online services such as instant messaging and social networks. Companies had not offered such services for fear of violating sanctions.


US Says Palestinian-Israeli Indirect Talks Have Started

The United States said on Monday that indirect talks between Palestinians and Israelis have started and asked Israel to be cautious in taking decisions to build settlements in the West Bank.


Is Japan Giving Up?

Toyota not only had a special place in Japan in terms of the country's identity of quality craftsmanship, it will have a short-term impact on Japan's reputation and economic reverberations in its manufacturing sector.

Tags: japan

U.S. anti-Semitism envoy wants to bring non-Jews into the fight

To combat anti-Semitism, the Jewish people need more non-Jews on their side, said Rosenthal, who spoke at a panel on anti-Semitism alongside Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League's national director.


Where are Obama’s foreign confidants?

I recently asked several senior administration officials, separately, to name a foreign leader with whom Barack Obama has forged a strong personal relationship during his first year in office. A lot of hemming and hawing ensued.


U.S. Public Diplomacy’s Flimsy New Framework

The long-awaited “roadmap” for U.S. public diplomacy has finally emerged from Undersecretary of State Judith McHale’s office, and it is a stunning disappointment. It is so lacking in imagination, so narrow in its scope, and so insufficient in its appraisal of the tasks facing U.S. public diplomats that it is impossible to understand why its preparation took so many months.


Restoring America’s Reputation and the tragic children of Fallujah

Last Thursday (March 4, 2010), some of the top thinkers currently engaging the issue of America’s image in the world testified on Capitol Hill in hearings before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs under the title ‘Restoring America’s Reputation in the World: Why it Matters.’


How to revamp China’s international image?

To grow up into a real global power, China needs a more mature PR policy, which differs from the "hard power" characterized by economic strength, military might and hi-tech achievements, and is also in a stark departure from the traditional diplomacy, which actively engages one government with another government.



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