A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Pilgrim Non Grata in Mecca

So on my odyssey to Saudi Arabia, I tried to learn about the religion that smashed into the American consciousness on 9/11 in a less sneaky way. And that’s when the paradox sunk in: It was nearly impossible for me to experience Islam in the cradle of Islam.


Turkish-American relations Face Another Test Over the Armenian Issue

Though it remains uncertain whether the resolution will be brought before the full House, already, it has threatened to affect Turkey’s relations with the US and Armenia.


Simple is Smart

I'm obsessed this month with simplicity. Maybe it was Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki's call last week for all of Iran's Ambassadors to be "innovative and focused on action," that struck a nerve.


Delay on Arms Pact Slows Reset of U.S.- Russia Ties

The fitful effort to fashion a treaty that would be a signature achievement of his presidency has demonstrated the hurdles Mr. Obama faces in his drive to reset relations with Russia after years of tension.


China’s Railway Calls for High-Speed Diplomacy

From London to Beijing in two days flat: That's China's ambitious high-speed railway plan to connect Asia with Europe.

Tags: china

Dominican leader’s shuttle diplomacy woos a pouting Hugo Chavez

The Government today said it regrets any concern or annoyance caused unintentionally with Venezuela over president Leonel Fernandez’s shuttle diplomacy to quell tensions between that nation and Colombia, as Hugo Chavez has yet to directly communicate his stance on the effort.


A Thaw in South Asia

After decades of hot and cold interactions, the recent freeze in all dialogue between the two nuclear powers has given the world a reason to worry. India rescinded from all "composite talks," a term quoted in news sources but never clearly defined, after the Mumbai terrorist attacks last November.


Travel Promotion Act: A Win for US Economy and Taxpayers

The Act establishes a new public-private partnership to promote the U.S. as a leading destination for international travelers and educate them about U.S. security procedures. This partnership will be funded by a modest $10 fee on overseas travelers who do not pay $131 for a U.S. visa and matched by the travel industry.



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