A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

What’s Andy Warhol doing in rural Colombia?

With run-down schools and museums few and far between, rural Colombia can be a cultural wasteland. Beer and eight ball is about as high-brow as it gets. So what’s Andy Warhol doing out here?


Time to talk to terrorists?

The conventional wisdom is: a terrorist is a terrorist and the United States does not talk to terrorists. But Mark Perry, an historian and foreign policy analyst, has another idea.


Diplomatic uncertainty casts gloom on Brussels

While Lady Ashton is a sniper's target for Europe's foreign policy establishments and for the media, the deeper problem is the rivalry among governments, and between governments and the European Commission, in regard to the nature of the diplomatic service.


Senior Military Leaders Urge Congress to Boost Non-Military Tools

"Our military works hand-in-hand with diplomats and development experts in meeting the challenges and responsibilities we face around the world," said General Hagee.

Tags: congress

Debating Indonesia’s global role

Whether Indonesia should or should not play a global role is no longer a matter of choice for Indonesia. Given its membership of the G20, and its recent involvement in addressing issues of global concern, such as climate change and energy security, Indonesia is already there.

Tags: indonesia

Israel Punks Itself

The video, sponsored by the Canadian Federation of Jewish Students and the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA), was met with ridicule -- both in Israel and abroad.

Tags: israel

US condemns Israel settlements decision

The White House has condemned Israel's approval of 1600 new settler homes in east Jerusalem and says the timing of the move is not helpful with US Vice President Joe Biden in the country.

Tags: united states, israel

Turkey aiming high at Shanghai Expo 2010

Turkey expects its pavilion at the upcoming Shanghai Expo to be a hit as it hopes to attract 7 million visitors, according to the high commissioner of Shanghai Expo Turkey.



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