A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

If Obama’s America can’t make soft power work, what hope does Europe have?

If our big bet in Europe is that speaking with one voice will make our norms-based, soft power approach work, what lessons should we draw when Mr Obama's outstretched hand of friendship is smacked away?

Tags: united states, europe

NATO statement endangers patients in Afghanistan

The suggestion by Mr. Rasmussen that civilian organizations such as MSF should in any way collaborate, or provide 'soft power' to the NATO forces, endangers this understanding and makes the hospitals, patients and staff more likely to be targeted by the opposition forces.

Tags: afghanistan, nato

Teach for the World

Peace Corps and Teach for America represent the best ethic of public service. But at a time when those programs can’t meet the demand from young people seeking to give back, we need a new initiative: Teach for the World.


Wilders is damaging Holland: minister

Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders is damaging the Netherlands' reputation abroad, caretaker foreign minister Maxime Verhagen said on Wednesday. Speaking at the opening of a conference on diplomacy, Verhagen said Wilders is spreading hatred and fear.


Where Have All the Strategic Thinkers Gone?

Hillary Clinton's a great public diplomat and administrator, but not much of a strategic thinker. Hillary would serve as a great "face" for America to the world; she would invest time and energy in public diplomacy. But at the same time it was hard to expect much from her from a strategic standpoint.

Tags: united states

Foreign policy implications loom in genocide resolution

The resolution is now on its way to the House floor, where it faces an uncertain future. But since this resolution, despite numerous defeats over the years, always returns from the dead, it is helpful to set forth some of the very significant foreign policy reasons that the House should not approve the proposed Armenian Genocide resolution now or ever...


Media more influential than ever

Numerous information agencies and national mass media have emerged from the once powerful TASS and Bulgaria tried to set ties with our partners in different regions. This is what happened to Azerbaijan. Bulgaria and Azerbaijan established diplomatic ties,... started to develop information and cultural exchange... as is usual between independent states.


Cultural Diplomacy from the Perspective of the Arab World

Returning for a third successful year at Art Dubai, The Global Art Forum played host to a series of lectures and discussions featuring leading contemporary art thinkers. The forum continued to create links between East and West through the exploration of professional and public interests in art.



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