A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

State Dept. plans new public diplomacy posts

"In this information-saturated age, we must do a better job of framing our national narrative. We must become more proactive and less reactive," she said. "Increasingly, our opponents and adversaries are developing sophisticated media strategies to spread disinformation and rumors, which ignite hatred and spur acts of terror and destruction. We must be ever-vigilant and respond rapidly to their attacks against us," she added.


U.K. expert: Israel’s new PR campaign is bad news

Conventional marketing wisdom has it that even bad news is good news, as long as people talk about you. But Jonathan Gabay, a leading London-based marketing and branding expert, disagrees, at least when it comes to Israeli hasbara, or public diplomacy.


History professor studies how Appalachian culture became a part of U.S. foreign policy

“We sent musicians, artifacts and films about the region to Finland all trying to show the federal government stepping in to help Appalachia without destroying the region’s cultural identity,” Krenn said. “One of the messages of the exhibit was that a great society can defend itself against communism and take care of its social problems. So there was a not-so-subtle message that if we can do it, Finland can do it.”


Hillary Rodham Clinton widens her circle at the State Department

Hillary Rodham Clinton ran a presidential campaign notoriously insular and unhappy, managing a group of egos and backstabbers whose dysfunction may have cost her the White House.

Tags: united states, hillary clinton, us department of state

Security to be prime focus of Pak-US strategic dialogue

The dialogue is being held at a crucial juncture, when Pakistan is poised to play a critical role in Afghanistan where US-led international troops are battling a determined Taliban insurgency.

Tags: united states, pakistan, afghanistan, security, taliban

Choppy Waters Rock the Trans-Atlantic Relationship

While few see any evidence of an actual rivalry between the two sides, it's possible that the combined damage to the relationship caused by the 2003 Iraq War and then the global financial crisis in 2008 has altered the way the major players view each other.

Tags: united states, europe, united kingdom, france, european union, germany, transatlantic relations

New Tuberculosis Lab Hailed as Breakthrough in Health Diplomacy

Researchers from Stanford University and a consortium of nonprofit organizations have been working side by side with colleagues from the North Korean Ministry of Public Health...to help set up the isolated nation's first laboratory capable of growing the mycobacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) and detecting drug-resistant strains.

Tags: united states, north korea

India, Pakistan to revive hockey Test series

India and Pakistan are set to revive their bilateral hockey Test series after four years with the two national federations agreeing on Thursday to start an annual series for men and women from this year. The series will be for both men and women teams and junior teams will also be a part of it.

Tags: india, pakistan


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