A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Vietnam Prime Minister to attend Expo opening ceremony

Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dũng would attend the opening ceremony of World Expo Shanghai 2010, officials said as Expo ticket sales began in Vietnam this week.


Shanghai’s new-look airport ahead of World Expo

Shanghai this week will unveil a brand-new airport terminal -- the latest mega-infrastructure project to be completed as the Chinese city prepares to welcome tens of millions of visitors to Expo 2010.


US looks to Shanghai Expo to help ease distrust

For millions of Chinese, the USA pavilion's show at the Shanghai World Expo will be the closest they'll ever come to an experience of America. What they'll get -- apart from long waits -- is a warm welcome and a dose of Hollywood-style entertainment.

Tags: china, united states

When Humanitarian Aid Winds Up in the Wrong Hands

In fact, doubts in the last few years about whether relief supplies reach the intended sources in conflict zones have given rise to a whole new way of thinking about humanitarian aid — and caused some to question whether giving aid in times of war does any good at all.


Questions Remain About McHale’s Public Diplomacy Strategy

I thought we elected a new president in 2008. But Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale proudly says she is “on the same page” as her predecessors Karen Hughes and James Glassman in defining a new public diplomacy strategy. She cites “consensus” among members of the undersecretary club.


Should Google “Burn Its Boats” If It Pulls Out Of China?

The closure of Google.cn will damage China, from discrediting its soft power campaign to rattling foreign businesses to upsetting a key constituency of educated and white-collar Chinese. Google is naive if they think they can close or force the closure of Google.cn and still retain any sort of a positive relationship with the Chinese government.

Tags: china

Kremlin’s glittering treasures adorn Topkapı in new show

A collection of artifacts from Moscow’s Kremlin Palace has gone on view at İstanbul’s Topkapı Palace Museum, offering a glimpse into the fascinating lifestyles led by Russian czars during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Tags: russia, turkey

Now, Hindi classes at Indian embassy in Beijing

The Indian government has taken a leaf out of Chinese diplomacy — the great dragon has been teaching Chinese language in India for years — and has launched the first course of Hindi-to-Chinese at the Indian embassy's cultural centre in Beijing.

Tags: china, india


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