A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

EU ‘played its cards right’ with Ukraine, say diplomats

EU diplomats told EurActiv that the recent presidential elections in Ukraine had provided a "great opportunity" to test the European Union's "soft power" in pushing neighbouring countries to reform, taking Brussels as a model.

Tags: soft power, europe

Manipur’s Classical Dance Festival promotes peace

The first international Indian classical dance festival (indiclad) 2010 was held in Manipur with an aim to revive the traditional devotional performing arts amongst the youth and to promote peace and harmony in the region.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india

Israel’s first real response to Goldstone

The 500-page report revealed Monday by The Jerusalem Post and authored by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center is the first real, aggressive Israeli response to the Goldstone Report, taking it apart piece-by-piece and explaining the true nature of the conflict against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Tags: israel

Public diplomacy with Yerevan picks up speed

Collaboration between Armenian and Turkish civil society organizations has helped to ease the recent tension in Turkish-Armenian relations as various civil society organizations from Turkey continue meeting with their counterparts in Yerevan.

Tags: turkey, non-state pd, civil society, armenia

Updated Shanghai ready to welcome the world

Shanghai has moved quickly to reclaim its pre-1949 role as China's financial, mercantile and fashion capital - and its capital of cool.


Shanghai Expo 2010: The Australian Pavilion

On March 9, members of the Shanghai’s Australian Chamber of Commerce’s business elite and local media were invited for an exclusive tour of the Australian pavilion. The event was designed to preview the unique experience seven million visitors over six months will enjoy traveling through the pavilion.


Shanghai Expo 2010: The UK Pavilion

The Crystal Palace, which housed the first World Expo in 1851 in London, stunned visitors with its advanced, creative design. It portrayed the United Kingdom as a cutting-edge nation and British organizers are hoping that this year’s Seed Cathedral at Expo 2010 in Shanghai will do the same.


A Surfeit of America: Engaging the World in a Time of Excess

There are probably few places left on the planet where people shrug their shoulders and have no opinion when asked what they think about America's role and image in the world. The US is everywhere, be it militarily, culturally through movies, news media, television and advertising...

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy


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