A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Indian minister for higher level talks with Pakistan

Indian Minister of State for External Affairs Parneet Kaur says the only way forward between Pakistan and India is talks and as responsible people they should go further up (from the bureaucratic level) but it was difficult to say how and when the talks would be taken further up.

Tags: india, pakistan

Iran and the Internet: Burdened By Great Expectations?

Since the violent aftermath of Iran’s presidential elections, American policymakers have struggled with how best to approach the opposition Green Movement without jeopardizing U.S. efforts to limit Iran’s nuclear ambitions. There are signs that an increasingly popular approach might not be more sanctions – but fewer, at least when it comes to Internet technologies.


Former McDonald’s boss ruffles feathers as Italy’s head of culture

When Mario Resca, the former head of McDonald's Italy, was appointed by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to manage the country's 450 museums and archeological sites, he began by launching a bold - and controversial - campaign.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, italy

Brazil’s Lula in Israel at start of Middle East tour

He is visiting Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan ahead of a more controversial visit to Iran in May. While in the region Lula will throw his country's growing diplomatic weight behind the Middle East peace process.

Tags: iran, israel, brazil

Rediscovering Russia

Broadly speaking, New Delhi and Moscow have both tended to calibrate the bilateral thermostat with an eye on the temperature in Washington. When the U.S. tries to cosy up to either power, India and Russia are quite happy to take for granted, if not forget, each other.

Tags: united states, india, russia

Israel Announced New Housing, So What?

The action, if not the timing, was neither a provocation, the establishment of a "new settlement" nor proof that Israel doesn't want peace. Anyone who knows Israel well understands this is what is called locally a fashla, a stupid mess-up as often happens with the government.

Tags: israel

China takes over from West as Iran’s main economic partner

The figures confirm the exponential growth in commercial ties between the two countries, which were almost non-existent 15 years ago, when trade volumes amounted to just 400 million dollars.

Tags: china, iran

Obama’s foreign-policy success in Pakistan

In fact, there is a place -- crucial to U.S. national security -- where Obama's foreign policy is working: Pakistan. A spate of good news has been coming out of that complicated country, which has long promised to move against Islamic militants but has rarely done so.

Tags: united states, pakistan


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