A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama’s Public Diplomacy Corner: Big Symbols, Limited Interaction with Muslim World

Mindful of the many setbacks under Beers and Hughes generated by an overreliance on symbols, one might imagine this administration would grasp the importance of assessing their strategy in order to avoid complications. Instead, It appears the Obama administration has lapsed into the same problem, with those symbols standing in for direct interaction with Muslim communities.


Hanoi schools presented with Japanese language teaching textbooks

A donation ceremony of textbooks and DVDs ‘Erin’s Challenge! I can speak Japanese’ to Japanese language teaching schools in Hanoi was held at the Japan Foundation Centre for Cultural Exchange in Hanoi today.


A Surfeit of America: Engaging the World in a Time of Excess

We live in the proverbial Information Age, but a more accurate assessment might be the Age of Excess. The United States is particularly vulnerable to a surfeit of information, according to a new State Department blueprint for public diplomacy in the 21st century.


EU vice-president’s visit aims to ‘deepen ties’ with Arab world

The European Union Vice-President will visit Lebanon Tuesday as part of her first tour of the Middle East aimed at stimulating dialogue in the region.

Tags: european union

How Pakistan Fell in Love With Bollywood

Last month, just before the release of the Bollywood film My Name Is Khan, a message generated in Pakistan on the microblogging site Twitter was massively retweeted in Mumbai, India: "You might want to come to Karachi to catch MNIK's first day, first show!"

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, pakistan

India to establish 19 institutions in Africa to develop human resources

External Affairs Minister S M Krishna today said that India would establish 19 institutions to develop human resources and capacities in Africa under the decisions taken at the India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) here in April last year.

Tags: india

State Department launches ‘Opinion Space’ website

The US State Department launched a new website on Monday seeking the opinions of people around the world on global issues and US foreign policy. The site located at state.gov/opinionspace is designed to "foster global conversations on foreign affairs," the State Department said.

Tags: united states, new technology, us department of state

Sanctions on Iran aren’t a substitute for policy

Months of popular unrest have exposed the fissures in Iranian society and politics, so sanctions must achieve contradictory goals: cutting off the regime's access to sensitive technology while cajoling it to negotiate in good faith; undermining hardliners while empowering moderates.

Tags: iran


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