A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Non-Military Solutions: They Also Serve Who … Don’t Serve

How do we empower average citizens to help their country’s mission abroad, without doing so under the blanket of the army? After all, if students at Yale, where resources are so abundant, feel their options are limited, this speaks to a more pressing issue nationwide. It is time to look for a middle road.


Plans for Sister City 20th now sky-high

Ten years ago — about a decade after Georgetown had begun its Sister City relationship with Tahara, Japan — local residents decided to honor the association by emulating one of that city’s major events. Thus was born the Georgetown International Kite and Culture Festival.


To win the war in Afghanistan, the US military has to beat the Taliban at the propaganda game

A haphazard approach causes significant harm to the war effort: Coverage of repeated televised apologies overshadows progress made by troops on the ground, and effective Taliban propaganda continues without adequate repudiation. With an effective media/public relations policy, the military could leverage news organizations to be an invaluable resource in fighting the Taliban.


Obama Unites Israelis and Arabs in Disappointment

Hopes were high in the Middle East when US President Barack Obama took office last year. But instead of progress toward peace, he has shown indecision and hesitancy. With many in the region united against Iran, he is in danger of letting a golden opportunity slip through his fingers.


Newly powerful China defies Western nations with remarks, policies

China's government has embraced an increasingly anti-Western tone in recent months and is adopting policies across a wide spectrum that reflect a heightened fear of foreign influence. China's government has embraced an increasingly anti-Western tone in recent months and is adopting policies across a wide spectrum that reflect a heightened fear of foreign influence.


Panic in Georgia After a Mock News Broadcast

Some people placed emergency calls reporting heart attacks, others rushed in a panic to buy bread and residents of one border village staggered from their homes and dashed for safety — all after a television station in Georgia broadcast a mock newscast on Saturday night that pretended to report on a Russian invasion of the country.


Obama’s foreign-policy success in Pakistan

President Obama gets much credit for changing America's image in the world -- he was probably awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for doing so. But even devoted fans would probably say it is too soon to cite a specific foreign policy achievement. In fact, there is a place -- crucial to U.S. national security -- where Obama's foreign policy is working: Pakistan.


Taiwan, Japan target 3 million tourist exchanges

Taiwan and Japan have set a target of 3 million visits by tourists between the two countries for this year, which has been designated as the Taiwan-Japan Tourism Exchange Year, Minister of Transportation and Communications Mao Chi-Kou said Monday.



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