A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Hillary Clinton affirms US support for Israel after row

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has dismissed the idea that US-Israeli relations are in crisis amid a row over Jewish settlers in Arab East Jerusalem.

Tags: united states, israel, hillary clinton

Canadian civilians helping Afghans re-connect with government

Canada has a rapidly growing cadre of 'combat diplomats' and none of them has more experience in the danger zones than Ben Rowswell.

Tags: afghanistan, non-state pd, canada, civil society

Dialogue, civil society seen as keys to peace amid globalization

An Egyptian diplomat on Tuesday called for an end to religious intolerance and violence through constructive dialogue, in order to promote understanding among countries and cultures that could help end historical rivalries.

Tags: soft power, civil society

Iran Rejects ‘Carrot, Stick’ Strategy on Atomic Issue

Iranian parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said the "carrot and stick" strategy used against Iran by the "great powers" won't halt its nuclear development.

Tags: iran

The unmaking of the Palestinian nation

The tiff between the U.S. and Israel is less important that the worrisome growth of tension between Palestinians and Israelis as the Israelis have claimed more and more sites sacred to the Palestinians as well. There is talk of a third Intifada or Palestinian uprising.

Tags: israel, palestine

Editorial: Don’t Let Obama’s Visit Go to Waste

President Barack Obama's visit here next week is a pivotal point in relations between Indonesia and the United States. Indonesia is now also an established democracy, both countries adhere to market economies and both are viewed as important players in the Asia-Pacific region.

Tags: united states, indonesia

Knowledge and Access to new Technologies are Key to India-Africa Partnership

Access to knowledge and latest advancements in science and technology will determine the quality and sustainability of India-Africa partnerships.

Tags: india, science diplomacy, africa

U.S.-Japan Partners In Agriculture

This month, the United States and Japan are celebrating more than 50 years of cooperation in agriculture.

Tags: united states, science diplomacy, japan


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