A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Reines and Public Diplomacy

In effect, [Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Phillip] Reines is developing a public diplomacy strategy for the Secretary by figuring out her media and public events abroad. “In places like Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, we’ve put a lot of effort into public diplomacy, communicating directly with the people,” Reines said.


For Israel and America, a Disagreement, Not a Crisis

Israel and America enjoy a deep and multi-layered friendship, but even the closest allies can sometimes disagree. Such a disagreement began last week during Vice President Joseph Biden’s visit to Israel, when a mid-level official in the Interior Ministry announced an interim planning phase in the expansion of Ramat Shlomo, a northern Jerusalem neighborhood.


Taliban Hit Back in Marja With a Campaign of Intimidation

The Taliban have begun waging a campaign of intimidation in Marja that some local Afghan leaders worry has jeopardized the success of an American-led offensive there meant as an early test of a revised military approach in Afghanistan.


Obama aggravates Israel’s mistake

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized abjectly for the announcement, took immediate steps to effectively suspend it — and then apologized some more. This was all appropriate. Equally appropriate was Biden’s acceptance of the apology, and his statement that it was time to get back to the work of negotiating peace. Still the Obama administration has opted to turn these events into something that borders on ugly.


Clinton urges Russia to delay Iran’s nuclear plant

Clinton said Iran is entitled to civil atomic energy, but added that it would be premature to go forward with any nuclear project when Tehran has yet to prove the peaceful nature of its program. The U.S. and other nations are concerned that Iran has been trying to secretly develop nuclear weapons.


Keep Calm and Carry On

I had this slogan in mind recently as I read through the NSC's recently released National Framework & Comprehensive Interagency Strategy for Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communications.


A messiah can’t do it. To reshape the world, the US must first reform itself

Beyond improving the US's popular standing in the world – no mean achievement, to be sure – Obama's foreign policy has so far produced no clear, significant success. Why? Here are some of the explanations offered. Disappointment was foreordained: those messianic expectations of his presidency could never have been met by any mere mortal.


Georgia Mounts American PR Campaign

George W. Bush once celebrated Mikhail Saakasvili, but President Barack Obama has given him the cold shoulder. Now the Georgian president is seeking to polish his image in the United States through an expensive Washington PR firm and by promoting the development of a Hollywood film starring Andy Garcia and Val Kilmer.



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