A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

In Search of Expo Von Trapps

Ten Chinese families, including two expat wives will sing, dance and act their way to Expo glory on Super Families, a talent-show Expo promotion. The winning family gets to live for free for one year in a Shanghai villa, plus free expo tickets.


Going to Philadelphia… With Shanghai on My Mind


The gulf in the Persian Gulf

For the Saudis, concern about Iran's nuclear ambitions, which Riyadh sees as a longer-term threat, has taken a back seat to its concern about the lack of perceived progress in solving the Israel-Palestinian struggle.

Tags: middle east

Could Brazil be a player in the Middle East process?

Since early 2009, it seems that Brazil, and President da Silva personally, have taken on an active diplomatic offensive in the Middle East, centered around Iran's international position.

Tags: middle east, brazil

Calling all Opinion Space cadets

The US state department has unveiled an exciting new initiative: using the internet to solicit opinions from people through a website. Extraordinary. The site, called Opinion Space, is a joint project between the state department and the University of California's Berkeley centre for new media.

Tags: united states, new technology

Welcome the Dragon?

Not exactly known for being in touch with the best needs of its people, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party was yesterday nonetheless fulsome in its praise for China's role in Africa.

Tags: china, africa

What’s Past is Prologue: A Senate Foreign Relations Committee Review of the Future of U.S. PD

Last week, members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee convened a hearing entitled “The Future of U.S. Public Diplomacy”. The stated objective of the hearing was to assess how U.S. public diplomacy initiatives of the past could be used to inform U.S. public diplomacy activities of the future.

Tags: united states, congress

Africa Could Join High-Speed Science Network

African science ministers are hoping to extend a high-speed fibre optic network — currently linking Egypt to the northern hemisphere — to other countries in Africa.

Tags: science diplomacy, egypt


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