A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Is Tehran intercepting RFE/RL communications?

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) strongly believes the Government of Iran has tapped its phones, intercepting email, and surveilling its activities. RFE/RL, a US government broadcaster, cites recent attempts to recruit 8 Iranian journalists inside Iran. Six of the journalists were detained before they could exit the country while the other two had their passports confiscated.


Armenian genocide talk has Turkey threatening to expel Armenians

After politicians in the US and Sweden recently labeled the deaths of up to 1.5 million in 1915 an Armenian genocide, Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan responded by threatening to expel about 100,000 Armenians living in Turkey.


A Muddled Messsage: US Public Diplomacy Faces Roadblocks

The undefined strategy and uncoordinated implementation of public diplomacy renders our attempts to communicate this message unintelligible, though. Regrettably, those selling a different message suffer no such handicap.

Tags: united states

What Haitians Want from Americans (And What They Don’t)

We asked Haitians in civil society organizations, on the streets, in buses, "What do you want from the U.S.? What help can Americans give Haiti?" Here are some of their answers.

Tags: non-state pd, civil society

Zuma to Meet All Factions in Harare

[South African] President Jacob Zuma held brief talks last night with his Zimbabwean counterpart Robert Mugabe soon after his arrival in Harare on an official visit during which he will hold critical talks with the country's bickering political leadership.


Allies everywhere feeling snubbed by President Obama

The contretemps between President Obama and Israel needs to be seen in a broader global context. The president who ran against "unilateralism" in the 2008 campaign has worse relations overall with American allies than George W. Bush did in his second term.

Tags: united states

Suspicion over Murdoch’s pan-Arab foray in Egypt

In a country where film and television attract some of the largest audiences across the Arab world, the tycoon's foray into the Middle East is widely seen in cultural circles as a ruse to benefit Israel.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, egypt, non-state pd

Mexico’s President Calderon seeks US help on drugs war

Mexican President Felipe Calderon has called for the United States to share responsibility in the battle against drug traffickers in the two countries. His comments came on a one-day visit to the border city of Ciudad Juarez, where three people connected to the US consulate were killed on Saturday.

Tags: united states, mexico


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