A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Scientific Links with Japan Boosted by New Award

Scientific links between the UK and Japan have been boosted by the announcement of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council's ( BBSRC ) latest Japan Partnering Awards.

Tags: science diplomacy, japan, united kingdom

China and India: Neighbors Need to Collaborate for Sake of Global Environment

Cooperation between China and India can curtail biodiversity loss, mitigate climate change and reduce deforestation, especially in the Himalayas, the mountain chain that stretches between the Indus and Brahmaputra River valleys.

Tags: china, india, science diplomacy

Diplomats distressed abroad focus on public diplomacy at home

Turkish diplomats, distressed by the deadlock on the divided island of Cyprus, up-and-downs in the EU accession process and diplomatic rows stemming from the Armenian ‘genocide’ resolutions, are stepping up public diplomacy efforts at home.


A symbol of the slave trade joins US and Cuba

We're completely aware of all of the issues currently surrounding the U.S. and Cuba," he said. "But we approach this from the point of view that we have this unique history that both societies are connected by. It gives us an opportunity to transcend contemporary issues.


PalFest Breaks Through Israeli Barriers

The Palestine Festival of Literature (PalFest) is a cultural roadshow that tours Palestine annually. PalFest combats one of the most negative effects of Israel’s continued occupation of Palestine: the isolation of the Palestinian people.


Science Diplomacy gets a Boost with New Bipartisan Bill

Last Friday, Reps. Howard Berman (D- CA) and Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) introduced the Global Science Program for Security, Competitiveness, and Diplomacy Act, which proposes an increase in the application of science and scientific engagement in America’s foreign policy.

Tags: science diplomacy

Shifting Indian, Russian and U.S. roles

India’s democracy, its soft power, English language skills, information technology industry, strong judiciary and need for infrastructure in virtually every field of business is and will be a strong catalyst for growth in this century. The United States needs the vision to focus on making India its partner and not a client as it rebuilds.


South Africa launches social media initiative for its nation branding

The 2010 FIFA World football Cup is to be hosted by South Africa and it is just 100 days away. To promote the country, the CMO (standing for Chief Marketing Officer) Council and the International Marketing Council of South Africa have teamed up to launch a crowdsourced advertising c.ontest, by the name Get Wildly Creative



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