A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China’s diplomacy suffering an identity crisis

Chinese diplomacy generally comes in all sizes and shapes, but until relatively recently the size was small and the shape a question mark. Decades of international isolation did little to nudge many nuances into its foreign policy.

Tags: china

Feeding kids’ interest in global cuisine

Cuisine offers a delicious way for kids to connect to other cultures. But raising youngsters with global palates don't happen by accident. It's all about exposure — and best of all, you don't need to board an airplane to get it.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy

Obama’s outreach to Muslims proves tough sell

Nine months ago President Barack Obama offered Muslims a "new beginning" with the United States in a speech in Cairo that was the centerpiece of his efforts to restore America's image around the world.

Tags: united states, middle east

Is China arrogant? Maybe, but that’s beside the point

It was an American — Harvard dean Joseph Nye — who coined the term "soft power," but the Chinese have taken the concept to a whole new level. More recently, however, China has taken a different path, with its public persona seeming to become more shrill, even arrogant.

Tags: china, soft power

Kosher Chinese

Amid a pre-event torrent of child-friendly animations of China's upcoming world's fair —expected to draw 70 million visitors—and images of the Expo's fingerless blue mascot, called Haibao, Israel's seashell-shaped pavilion has garnered more than its share of attention.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, shanghai expo, israel

Embassy Roadshows take Aussie films to 20+ countries

Mini-Australian Film Festivals have recently taken place in countries as diverse as Nepal, Malaysia and Ghana, as part of the Screen Australia/Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Embassy Roadshow program.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, australia

Art as cultural diplomat

With that universality in mind, a new educational non-profit called Omanoot: Israel Through Art ("omanoot" is "art" in Hebrew) is putting Israeli art on the international table, at face value. The portal, which supplies English-language teaching materials about Israeli art and artists to American schools and universities, offers an apolitical window into the rich life of Israeli artists and their work.


U.S.-Russia Relations: In Need of a New Reset

In Russian political circles, Barack Obama's election tended to evoke two different reactions. Many officials were curious to see what new deals he would offer, but others, in the tradition of the Cold War, dismissed him as just the latest mouthpiece of the old American élites.

Tags: united states, russia


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