A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Public Diplomacy, Back to the Future

This week’s unusual Congressional hearing on the State Department’s public diplomacy programs featured not only the current ranking official for public diplomacy, Under Secretary Judith McHale, talking about her new “Strategic Approach for the 21st Century,” but also three of her predecessors.

Tags: united states

Peace Through Vaccine Diplomacy

Indonesia, will host U.S. President Obama, a visit that could establish important scientific ties between the United States and Indonesia and implement a potentially powerful piece of vaccine diplomacy.

Tags: united states, science diplomacy, indonesia

Exchanging Culture: Japanese teens get a taste of life as Modesto students

Japanese teenagers Ayano Imamura and Ryuki Tomita were surprised to learn that U.S. high schools let students choose some of their classes. They also liked how some students are eager to answer teachers' questions, unlike in their homeland. Ayano and Ryuki were among 18 students from Kyoto, Japan, who have been visiting Modesto for three weeks as part of a foreign exchange program.


In Africa, a step backward on human rights

Uganda's parliament is debating legislation that would make homosexuality punishable by life imprisonment, and more discriminatory legislation has been debated in Rwanda and Burundi. These are terrible backward steps for human rights in Africa.


The Realist Prism: Time Running Out to Rethink American Power?

One of my other co-panelists this week, pollster Craig Charney, noted that in many parts of the world, people would still prefer that the U.S. take the lead in shaping the global order, as opposed to China. The window still is open -- but for how much longer?


Japanese exchange students enjoying their last days at MHCC

Asked what they would want to take home with them, Shimizu said, “Clothes sizes. My clothes size is very difficult to find in Japan.” Tamada said, “American girls. They are more beautiful than in Japan.” Saito said, “No tax on shopping. It’s cheaper than Japan.”


Biden visit exposed Israeli settler truths

What provided this episode with refreshing clarity was the way in which it exposed the deeper dynamics that are driving contemporary Israeli realities. Israel's leadership scrambled to summon their best explanations and apologies – the decision was insensitive, ill-timed, a local initiative, and a mere technical planning detail.


Global human rights report sees little change

The Obama administration's first global report on human rights differed little from the reports issued during President George W. Bush's second term, with the most notable exception being stepped-up criticism of the Iraqi government.



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