A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Pak-India relations: grounds for optimism

The Indian government should get a cue from the views of its former diplomat and make concerted effort to return to talks with Pakistan on all issues, including Kashmir and water terrorism, which are and have been the bone of contention between the two countries

Tags: india, pakistan

India, Pakistan and the Afghan army

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is visiting Pakistan, and one of the issues on the table is a rather audacious Pakistani offer to train the Afghan National Army. The Pakistani and Afghan security establishments have had a rather uneasy relationship, stemming from Pakistan’s long-running ties to the Taliban.

Tags: india, pakistan, afghanistan

Public Diplomacy: The World Should Be Teaching Us, Mr. Kristof

As suggested by the above remarks, most sadly and importantly, the Peace Corps is not a bilateral program. In essence, "we" (the U.S.) are telling "them" (the "foreigners") what to do (in a gentle way) -- a twentieth-century Cold War one-way-communications propaganda model, granted on an perhaps laudable human level.

Tags: united states

Top Young French and Israeli Scientists Come Together

As part of a joint effort between France and Israel to promote scientific research, 15 outstanding young French and Israeli scientists, recipients of prestigious research grants from the European Research Council, were hosted at a Jerusalem conference this week.

Tags: science diplomacy, israel, france

Tunisian-American Cooperation in Science, Technology and Health Sectors

Tunisian – American cooperation has witnessed so far a remarkable boost in many sectors, namely in science, technology and health”, said President Obama’s Special Envoy for sciences for the Gulf and North Africa, Mr. Elias Zerhouni, during his visit in Tunisia.

Tags: science diplomacy

Ahmadinejad advisor warns against West ‘soft war’

A senior professor of International Relations has called on the Iranian government to prepare a strategy to counter the "soft warfare" launched by the US. The Iranian officials should carry out studies on the tactics used by the West and the United States to influence on Iran,

Tags: iran

Turkey unconcerned over its international image

Turkey still identifies itself with Ottoman Empire, continuing with threats and speaking from the position of force. Recalling Turkish Ambassador to US following US House Foreign Affairs Committee’s passage of Genocide resolution is an obvious example of it, according to RA NAS Institute director Ashot Melkonyan.

Tags: turkey

India opens 23rd Cultural Relations Centre in Dhaka

India today opened its 23rd Cultural Relations centre in Dhaka naming it after former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and acknowledging her contribution to Bangladesh's 1971 Liberation War.

Tags: india


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