A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turkey and Armenia must speak privately

Restructuring the role of Turkey’s army is vital, but if Turkey cannot follow through with the Armenian and Kurdish openings, the country’s own domestic situation, its relations with the two peoples, as well as tensions in the Caucasus, will undoubtedly worsen.


US, Europe should mend rift

Having adjusted its philosophical approach to the world to emphasize “soft” power in the past decade, European policymakers now realize that in a world where their economic throw-weight diminishes, the soft approach could lead to their irrelevance.


The dragon ascends to the sound of music

The Viet Nam National Academy of Music (VNAM) and Southwest Chamber Music (SWC) have kicked off the Vietnamese portion of the Ascending Dragon music festival, which will feature performances in both Viet Nam and the US during its six-week duration.


Clinton’s poor diplomatic scans

Such [PD] efforts assume that even the most wary foreigners may be brought around to like, or at least understand, America. That alluring hypothesis was found wanting when a group of six Pakistani legislators took umbrage at being asked to undergo a full-body scan last Sunday at Ronald Reagan National Airport.


Ajami and the Oscars: Who Really Represents Israel?

In recent years I have often wondered whether Israeli public diplomacy should use Israeli culture as a means for improving its image, even when it is critical of Israel or presents negative aspects, which are not necessarily representative of the society as a whole.


Smurf becomes mascot of Belgium and EU Pavilion at Expo

Smurfs were officially announced Wednesday to serve as the mascots of the Belgian Pavilion during the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. Smurfs, created by Belgian cartoonist Pierre Culliford in 1958, are quite popular in China and the rest of the world.


The VOICE Act: Victims of Iranian Censorship

The VOICE Act is a notable (and rare) example of Defense Department-focused entities - the armed services committees - authorizing substantial funding for the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors. However, the $55 million (details are below) authorized is not yet funded.


China needs more public diplomacy, Zhao says

"Governmental diplomacy represents a country's sovereignty. (But) in many other international exchanges, many different people also participate, including leaders from public and sub-governmental organizations; influential people such as scholars, opinion leaders, and social activists; and ordinary people. This is public diplomacy," Zhao said.



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