A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Oscars and new tinder

The Academy Awards are a great example of the brilliance of the United States' use of "soft power" to prop up its global influence. The Oscars are partly about giving Hollywood the chance to feel good about itself, but also, even more importantly, about marketing the American movie industry to the world.


Time for Irish friends to voice support for Turkey

Turkish membership of the EU will expand the Union’s influence and diplomacy.


Size Doesn’t Matter

Over the years, Israel and its advocates have employed a wide diversity of tactics in defense of the Jewish state's image. But pro-Israel advocates in Canada have lately taken Israel's public diplomacy war to a new level: audacious penis jokes.


California School Debates Merit of Confucius Classroom Program

The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District committee voted 4–1 in late January to approve the Confucius Classroom program at Cedarlane Middle School beginning in September. With no cost to the school district, the instructors and teaching materials are provided directly by the Office of Chinese Language Council International, called “HanBan.”


White House tweeting spreads president’s message

Forget press releases. Gibbs and his deputy, Bill Burton, are now sharing news in Twitter messages. So far 33,000 people have signed up to follow Gibbs and more than 6,000 are tracking Burton. Those two officials have a ways to go to catch actor Ashton Kutcher and his 4.6 million followers.


Brand China reels from lost trust

This is an oldie – an “old” 2008 article first published on Singapore’s The Business Times. It was written by Joseph Baladi, CEO at BrandAsian, shortly after the staging of the Olympics in Beijing, China. Even if somewhat old, some of the points being made in this article around Brand China specifically are still worth

Tags: china

Cyberwar declared as China hunts for the West’s intelligence secrets

“Everyone has been made aware that the Chinese have become very active with cyber-attacks and we’re now getting regular warnings from the office for internal security.” The [NATO diplomatic] sources said that the number of attacks had increased significantly over the past 12 months, with China among the most active players.


Can Turkish and Armenian diasporas open the channels of dialogue?

I think even though the resolution passed at the committee last Thursday and that this result declares the Armenians' victory for now, the same result also sent a chill to the powerful Armenian-American diaspora, who always came to see this committee voting as a piece of cake, until this year.



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