A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

UK students to work as volunteers during Commonwealth Games

Thirty students from the UK will be among the 30,000-strong volunteer force for the Commonwealth Games in October this year.

Tags: sports diplomacy, united kingdom

IMG to produce new EPL service

Global media company IMG has been appointed to produce the English Premier League’s new 24-hour, seven day-a-week international content service.


Germany - International Women’s Day

In the realm of intercultural dialogue, too, equal rights for women and men must remain a top priority, Minister of State Cornelia Pieper urged on International Women’s Day.

Tags: women, germany

Chinese media: Half a step towards openness?

Last weekend, as China's legislature the National People's Congress met in Beijing, newspapers and web portals, official as well as semi-official ones, aggressively focused on growing disparities between the rural and the urban population and the resentment brewing among the villagers.

Tags: china

Has Chinese become the language of corruption?

English is regarded as the language of modernity, just like French for art and German for philosophy. But when it comes to the Chinese classroom, learners are now studying the language of the account manipulator, the money launderer or even the corrupt official!


Iran’s Role In Iraq

Iran is definitely supporting Shiite parties in Iraq’s 2010 parliamentary voting as it always has, and did help put together the National Alliance. Even with its own political problems, Iran will still have hard and soft power levers to influence events in Iraq.


US ponders China’s Southeast Asian rise

The United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) last month held a lengthy hearing on China's activities in Southeast Asia and the implications for US interests in the strategic region.


Korean economy gets its skates on after Olympic medal haul

Kim Yuna's stunning win at last month's Winter Games will not only boost the career of the Olympic figure skating champion, it should help add several billion dollars to the South Korean economy.



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