A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Fly me to the Moon…No? The effect of NASA’s Budget Cuts on U.S. Soft Power

What the U.S. needs is another Cold War Space Race – some focus, some drive, some competitive spirit – but instead it has relegated itself to the sidelines. The only way that the U.S. government can demonstrate technological superiority now is through its military; (computing, Internet, and other technology-based fields are already outsourced to private industry)


Restoring America’s Reputation in the World and Why It Matter

I developed the concept of soft power in 1989 while writing a book that questioned the conventional wisdom about American decline. After examining American economic and military power, I found that something was still missing – the ability of the United States to attract others and thus increase the probability of obtaining the outcomes we wanted.


U.S.–Brazil relations are critical

Lula pre-empted [Sec. Clinton's] message even before they met by opining that it would not be prudent to back Iran against a wall. The dispute highlights Brazil’s willingness and capacity to carve out an independent world role, not necessarily antagonistic to the United States but not subordinate to Washington.


Egypt Says it will Propel African Science Agenda

Egypt has vowed to "maintain momentum" in building African science and technology (S&T) capacity when it takes over as chair of the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology (AMCOST) this month.

Tags: science diplomacy

Clinton’s Latin American clangers

Hillary Clinton's Latin America tour is turning out to be about as successful as George W Bush's visit in 2005, when he ended up leaving Argentina a day ahead of schedule just to get the hell out of town. The main difference is that she is not being greeted with protests and riots.


The Twain Shall Meet Today

Two media houses in India and Pakistan have joined hands to organise a joint celebration of Holi and Basant, the popular kite-flying spring festival of Pakistan, in the sprawling park located in the heart of Dubai that is second home to hundreds of thousands of expatriates from these two countries.


US Faces Challenges and Weaknesses In Foreign Perceptions

U.S. scholars and polling experts say improving America's image in the world is crucial for its security, enabling more effective foreign policy, and attracting major investment and influential students. Even though, the American image abroad has gone up since U.S. Senator Barack Obama became president, they say major challenges remain, especially in Muslim countries.


Vikram Singh: Richard Holbrooke’s bad communication advisor

Richard Holbrooke has an Indian advisor. He is filling the ears of the seasons American diplomat with bad advice. Mr. Holbrooke needs a lot of help in his communications and Mr. Singh is not doing either the US or Mr. Holbrooke any favors. Many of Mr. Holbrookes’ statements come out garbled, contradictory, and counterproductive



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