A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Chile to Open up Quake Data to Global Community

Chilean seismologists studying the massive earthquake that hit the country last week (27 February) have decided to share their data with scientists around the world to aid natural disaster mitigation.

Tags: science diplomacy

U.S. Circulates New Draft Proposal for Iran Sanctions

The United States is circulating a draft of new, tougher sanctions against Iran that concentrate on the banking, shipping and insurance sectors of Iran’s economy and is now waiting for China and Russia to signal that they are willing to start negotiating over the measures, United Nations Security Council diplomats said Wednesday.


Department of State Program Enhances Understanding

InterMedia was contracted by the Evaluation Division in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State to complete a five-year evaluation of an innovative high school student exchange program -- the Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program -- established in the aftermath of September 11.


Just what does Barack Obama stand for?

Why is it that only days before Iraq’s parliamentary elections, we’re getting no sense of what they mean for the United States? Barack Obama’s White House and the American public seem strangely detached from the event, the mental door having been closed on Iraq some time ago. This begs a larger question: What does the US stand for in the Middle East?


Obama’s Hesitant Embrace of Human Rights

In a series of speeches around the world, carefully tailored for each audience, the president has set forth a compelling vision, emphasizing that respect for human rights is not only right but also broadly beneficial for the United States and the world. The challenge facing his administration is translating that rhetoric into policy and practice.


American Idol is changing the world

The Afghanis crowding the rooms of relatives to watch the show on televisions in villages north and south are Pashtun and Hazara and Uzbek. They are cosmopolitan and middle-class urbanites from Kabul, and peasant farmers from the dry hills. One third of the country of Afghanistan has tuned in. They aren't watching "American Idol"; they're watching the local brand: "Afghan Star."


Hopes rise for resumption of Middle East peace negotiations

The prospects for the first negotiations involving Israel and the moderate Palestinian leadership for over a year have increased after the nations of the Arab League gave qualified support to a US proposal for indirect talks between both sides.


Taiwan on quiet mission to win friends

Taiwan is hoping "cultural diplomacy" will win it a higher global profile and give its $390 billion economy a boost without upsetting growing business ties with arch-rival China. The push consists mainly in promoting Taiwanese arts overseas and subsidising higher education in Taiwan for foreigners, areas unlikely to draw the ire of China.



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