A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Clinton promises new page in Pakistani relations

Clinton acknowledged that misunderstandings dogged U.S. ties with Pakistan and pledged to refocus the relationship on the "needs of the people" including strengthened economic assistance and development of democratic institutions.


Clinton arrives in Pakistan to win over public skeptical of U.S.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Islamabad on Wednesday for a three-day visit to Pakistan amid a spate of terrorist attacks in the country...Clinton said her trip would expand cooperation with Pakistan beyond the military sphere, and she stressed that she would be reaching out to the country's broadly anti-American public with extensive media engagements.


Romanian creatives invited to take part in a NATO tender for mini-documentary videos

The Romanian Foreign Ministry has announced that the NATO Public Diplomacy Division (PDD) has launched an international call for bids (No. 2009/101) for the production and promotion of a new series of mini-documentary videos illustrating, through several themes proposed by PDD, NATO’s impact on the everyday life of citizens.


U.S. Embassy blames diplomatic gaffe on a Polish translator but a problem runs much deeper

The U.S. Embassy in Warsaw is busy blaming a Polish translator for mistranslating U.S. Ambassador Lee Feinstein’s TV interview answer about Polish troops in Afghanistan, which caused a diplomatic uproar in Poland.


Hooked on US aid

Despite its terror-chilled, heavily picketed and dusky atmosphere, Islamabad is warming up to the very thought of US aid flowing in cash in the coming months. The KLB storm is not yet fully blown over, but the Gilani cabinet, like its foreign minister, acted hastily to show its readiness to accept the conditionality-ridden aid-package. The praetorian politico-bureaucratic hands are already being oiled in anticipation of US cash inflows.


Does J Street arrival signal a split in America’s Israel lobby?

J Street, in the thick of its first national conference in Washington that began Sunday and concludes Wednesday, has attracted 1,500 attendees – above and beyond what its organizers expected. Perhaps more interestingly, it has attracted the attention of the highest levels of government and diplomacy, and has the blogosphere buzzing about what it all means for the future of US-Israel relations.


Saudi Filmmaker becomes Kingdom’s Cultural Ambassador

The Saudi filmmaker, director and producer of Rawad media, Mamdouh Saleh, has recently been made Saudi Arabia’s Cultural Ambassador by the British Council and the Ministry of Culture and Information. In this capacity he will represent Saudi Arabia and participate in the global “Culture Leadership International” (CLI) program for cultural management.


Micromanaging Pakistan

Already the servile Government of Pakistan, like thieves in the dead of night, have quietly signed a deal between VOA and PBC whereby the US state-controlled radio broadcaster will have full access to all PBC facilities for the purposes for broadcasting US propaganda – euphemistically referred to as “public diplomacy”. So guilty has the GoP been about this deal, and rightly so, that it put out no press release on it.



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