A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

India flexes ‘soft power’ through Bollywood

In a world where goods, ideas and manpower are sold for profit, spreading culture may seem incongruous. But that is what India is trying to do as part of its foreign policy. With the opening of a centre in Kuala Lumpur next month, Malaysia will be on its cultural map. Bangkok appeared there on Sept 22 and Tokyo three days later.


Turkey’s democratic steps have a lot in common with US interests

Do you think the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to President Obama puts pressure on him to continue his soft power politics? Using soft power does not mean that you will limit yourself to the use of these tools. It is one instrument in the toolbox of American foreign policy. Everybody knows that the president is very capable of making tough decisions. And he will do so, because he has been elected to protect America's interests.


Cultural exchange program organizes trip for adults to Reading’s sister city in Germany

For years, foreign language teacher Cherylene Shollenberger, Reading, has believed in the importance of keeping cultural roots alive. That means nurturing a relationship between Reading and its sister city in Germany, Reutlingen, by conducting cultural exchange programs for students at Reading High School and their counterparts in Reutlingen.


U.S., Europe Both Value Multilateral Action, but With Different Motivations and for Different Goals

The U.S. and Europe both value multilateral action, “contrary to public perceptions,” but American and European governments have different motivations and goals. That was the message from Liechtenstein’s Ambassador to the United States, Claudia Fritsche, who delivered an address on truth and transparency at USC on Tuesday.


Canada, world get ready for Shanghai’s Expo 2010

The largest "nation branding" competition in the world is slated to take place in China's financial hub beginning next May. Competition is stiff, with host China an early favourite and the U.S., surprisingly, not. Countries such as Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark and even Canada are expected to be very much in contention.


Film shown to strengthen links with India

A Bengali film has been shown in a Highland theatre to help strengthen the area’s links with India. The event was held on Saturday in Inverness for the city’s Indian community. The screening of the film, Agantuk, was held at Eden Court Theatre as part of a year-long programme of events called Scotland — Kolkata Connections 2009.


A cultural exchange

'First Voices – Dance from Canada and the Philippines' is the latest in a series of collaborations bringing aboriginal youth from the North and the South together through different creative media. The project is managed by the Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (ACIC) through funding from the Canadian International Development Agency.


The US & Afghan trap

In Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal’s view, the key to success in Afghanistan is to “secure the population.” The thinking is that the populated area of the country, largely the Pashtun belt in the south and the east, must be cleared of Taleban insurgents.



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