A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

India, Russia, China to jointly combat terror

Pushing for a multi-polar world order, India, China and Russia Tuesday decided to expand their cooperation on global issues ranging from combating international terrorism and restoring stability in the volatile AfPak region to climate change and reform of international bodies...Enhanced engagement among them strengthens their influence on the process of democratization of international relations and development of multipolar world order reflecting the diversity of world cultures and civilizations, the declaration said at the end of the day-long ninth trilateral meeting.


Foreign Affairs Scholars Decry America`s Failed Public Diplomacy Efforts

The Obama Administration seeks to reboot relations with hostile states and movements in keeping with its focus on the utilization of "Smart Power," and no initiative will prove more critical to the success of this approach than public diplomacy, according to foreign affairs policy experts and scholars writing in the fall 2009 issue of Journal of International Security Affairs.


Where Have All The Civilians Gone?

It will take both combat troops and civilians to tackle what the Army's new counterinsurgency manual sees as objective No. 1: "foster[ing] development of effective governance by a legitimate government." Such a task entails ensuring personal security, public participation, and social and cultural acceptance of the regime.


Artists, resist this propagandist agenda

After the failures of the 'war on terror', politicians are now elevating the role of culture in international policy-making. And far from rejecting these advances, many cultural leaders – eager for affirmation and purpose – have embraced them, arguing that it is about time the positive impact of the arts on foreign relations was recognized.


The U.S.-Panama Free Trade Agreement: A Good Deal for America

For the past nine months, the Obama Administration and Congress have allowed three free trade agreements (FTAs) negotiated by the Bush Administration -- Colombia, Panama, and South Korea -- to languish unapproved. This delay hurts American workers...All three FTAs will spur economic development in both the U.S. and its trading partners, strengthening each nation economically and politically.


Jordan’s ties with Israel turn cold

“Our relation is getting colder,” King Abdullah told Israel’s daily Haaretz newspaper this month. “Let’s remember that the peace treaty was signed as part of a process to achieve comprehensive peace. And the full potential of not just Jordanian-Israeli relations, but the whole region, will not be realised unless comprehensive peace is achieved.”


Politics, not extremism, is to blame for Pakistan’s plight

The Pew Global Attitudes Project published its survey of Pakistani public opinion on August 13, while the International Republican Institute (IRI) produced its quarterly public opinion poll on October 1. The polls reveal a startling similarity of trends that should, for anyone interested in facts rather than fiction, give rest to the notion that there is some deep inexplicable love in Pakistan for demonic extremists that are interested only in waging indiscriminate death and destruction.


Hillary and the team of rivals

During the primaries, Hillary Clinton had mocked Obama as naive in foreign affairs, but as the old saying goes, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, and State was about as close as Obama could afford to let Hillary Clinton get. Now people are saying that Obama’s two top envoys have lost their luster. Mitchell, in his quiet, tortoise –like way, has patiently gone back and forth between Palestinians and Israelis, but has nothing to show for it.



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